Thinking Out Loud Thursday # 10

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I can’t believe this week is almost over; where did the time go? I couldn’t be more ready for the weekend and we have a nice and relaxing one planned. Unfortunately, it’s suppossed to be rainy. Since, it is Thursday it’s time for some thinking out loud.

Thinking-Out-Loud (2)

1. I drank a gallon of water today!! Meeting goals is the best feeling; I feel so accomplished. And I know drinking all this water is going to make me feel amazing. Being dehydrated is never a good thing.

2. Today, was our first day implementing our behavior charts and I think it went pretty well. Now, that my girls know what is expected and how it works I know our days are going to go so smoothly. Sophia and Isabella love working towards a reward. One of their options is a sleepover in Sophia’s bedroom; this might be their favorite one!!

3. We are heading to the gym for the third time tomorrow. I am loving our new routine. Once, school is out I will start adding in one more day.

4. I am halfway through my May workout calendar and loving it. I love the mix of Pilates and HIIT. This may very well be my favorite workout combination. Of course, there is also plenty of weight training thrown in here too. I do love my weight training. I have really started to see definition in my arms and I am loving it. Oh how I have missed my muscle tone. I haven’t had defined arms since before I got pregnant with the twins.

5. I can’t believe how much different McKenzie and McKayla are when they are feeling well. Seriously, they are the happiest little babies. I can’t get over how different our week has been ever since they have gotten better.

6. McKenzie and McKayla are almost 10.5 months and I still need to write their 10 month post. Oh my!! I will get that done ASAP. I will tell you they have quite the personality and are so cute together.

7. So, I need a new pair of gym shoes, but I am having trouble deciding which ones to choose. I definitely want them cute and of course comfortable. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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