As I sit here looking at the year ahead, thinking about my goals for 2020, I reflect on all the unexpected life changes that took place throughout 2019. This past year was certainly the year of surprises and wonder. New beginnings were happening at every turn. Throughout the year we spontaneously decided to sell our house and move, I went to Pure Barre training in Denver and began teaching, Steve began yet another masters program, I decided to put more time, effort and money into my blog. Last year was a year of growth to bring us to where we are today.
This is the year I stop chasing something unreachable, this is the year I find balance. This is the year I learn to love the process.
All of this reflecting confirmed how many things happen in our lives that are beyond our control. We can plan and prepare as much as we would like, but there are still going to be road blocks, set backs and difficulties throughout the way. God has a plan for us, but we must work hard and be kind. The best thing we can do to achieve anything is to have long a term goal as well as short term checkpoints. If we make a goal too far off we may get lost along the way. Everything takes time and energy. This is the year I figure out what is worth my time and energy and what is not. This is the year I find the good in EVERYTHING. There is always something to be grateful for.

- Stay present. This is my ultimate goal for the year. I want to focus on the here and now. I will never get this time back, I want to truly cherish each and every moment with my family. I want to truly take in each and every minute in my life. Enjoy my family.
- Slow down. Stop rushing from one thing to the next, take a moment and breathe.
- Practice gratitude daily. Continue to take those few extra minutes and practice being thankful for all God has given me. Thankful for this amazing life we are living. My goal for this year is give thanks each and every night. I am going to keep a gratitude journal. Be grateful for everything, the good, the bad and the ugly.
- Find balance. I want to continue working on living a balanced life. I want to find balance in every aspect of my life. Balance between work and family as well as physically and mentally. Inside and out.
- Continue to move daily. I will continue engaging in exercises I love and make me feel my best. Always remember exercise is not a punishment, it’s a reward. I have recently added in weekly yoga sessions and I realized how much I love practicing yoga (I some how got away from yoga for awhile). I love the way my mind and body feel when I incorporate yoga into my life. My goal for 2020 is to add in at least two yoga sessions (20-30 minutes) per week as well as at least four Pure Barre classes either at the studio or on demand. I am also slowly adding back in cardio and sure missed my Peloton rides during recovery, but I am planning on incorporating a few 10 minute rides and one 20-30 minute ride each week. I began weight lifting in September and plan to lift weights twice each week. I know all of that sounds like a lot, but I truly love all of my workouts and look forward to exercising every day. Rest days are tough for me, I’d rather be working out, but I will take at least one rest day per week.
- Nourish my body with enough food, listen to my body and give it all the nutrients needed to live a healthy and sustainable life. Begin to trust my body. Allow myself to let go.
- This year is all about positive energy. This is the year I have the strength to shut out anything that makes me feel less than worthy. I am enough. Inhale the good, exhale the bad.
- Learn to say no. It’s okay to not be everything for everyone. It’s okay to say no.
- Allow myself to have quiet moments. Be okay with stillness. Be okay with doing nothing. Take time to breathe.
- Give myself some grace. Learn from my mistakes. Allow myself to make mistakes and remember it’s okay to not be perfect. Perfect doesn’t exists. Your mistakes don’t define you. Mistakes are a sign that we are trying.
- This is the year I let go of fear. Don’t be afraid to ask. If you don’t ask the question the answer is always no. Don’t be afraid to try. Don’t be afraid of failure.
- Always look for the good in others. Take time to truly understand other people. Remember everyone is fighting some type of battle, a battle we know nothing about. No judging, simply understand. This is already me in a nutshell. I have always tried to understand people and figure out why they act they way they do, but I want to practice this even more each and everyday. I always feel better when I show love and kindness to all.
- This is the year I learn to love my body, flaws and all. This one may be the most difficult of all. Loving all of yourself and body is not an easy goal, but I am determined to make 2020 my year to love myself.
- Love conquers all! Love with all my heart.
- Focus on what matters most, my family. My girls, hubby need me more than anyone else and that’s okay. I love being their everything! I love the chapter of my life I am in and I plan on cherishing each and every moment. This year is going to be unforgettable.
This is the year I continue to work on becoming who I am supposed to be. This is the year I let go of the what ifs and go for it. This is the year I let go of what I thought my life was going to look like and realize I am already there. This is our best year yet.