First Week of Distant Learning in the Books

First Week of Distant Learning in the Books

Hello, Hello…

Our first week of learning at home went remarkably well. We certainly had our glitches, but all in all it was a great week for my girls. They we so excited to be back “at school”, whatever that may look like. My girls simply loved seeing their teachers, friends and having their own routine back.

I cannot lie I loved having them home. Watching my girls thrive during this bizarre experience made this mama extremely proud. I loved seeing their faces light up during their google meets, I loved hearing their little voices answer questions and participate.

On the other hand, I certainly felt trapped. Honestly, I felt imprisoned. I quickly began to realize this is our new reality 5 days a week, this is how our days are going to be structured for the time being. The first couple of days we the hardest on me because I was still figuring out my role in this entire situation, but as the days went on I started to settle into this way of schooling.

As I have told the girls we will do this with grace, we will embrace the chaos and we will find the joy in it all. We will find the laughter throughout the mess. We will learn to roll through the challenges and find ways to embrace this time.

As our week went on our learning spaces become more and more comfy and functional. I will share our tips, tricks and our setups for each girl while distant learning this coming week. Stay tune…

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