Coconut Oil + An Arm Workout

Coconut Oil + An Arm Workout

Happy Friday everyone. Wow, this week seemed to have flown by. I think I might say that about every week. But, we had beautiful weather so we were outside a ton and that always makes our days go quickly.

If you have been reading my blog for awhile now you know I have been using different creams and oils to try to prevent stretch marks.

I think I have found the perfect combination. We won’t know for sure until after I deliver our babies, but I have done some research and I think I have found what the experts say might work (no one seems to know for sure). Now, I do have to say I didn’t get any stretch marks with either of my first two pregnancies and I didn’t use anything special. I always made sure to apply lotion, but I simply used anything I had on hand. However, this time around, since I am having twins, I wanted to go the extra step and buy the “good” stuff.

A few weeks ago I talked about how I decided to splurge and buy the Mama Mio lotion and I do love it. There are seriously no negative reviews anywhere, so that has to mean something. I have been using it for about a month now and I do love it. It is thick, but not too thick and it absorbs quickly. At first I was using this 2-3 times a day and then I realized I am going to go broke. I then started to research some more products that might help prevent stretch marks.

I have found that coconut oil has so many benefits not only for inside our bodies but applied topically, as well. The best thing about both of these products is that they are all natural, I don’t have to worry about harming our babies or my body.

Topical Uses for Coconut Oil:

  • Use as an all over body lotion. I use this right after I get out of the shower.
  • Massage into skin to help treat or prevent stretch marks. I have been doing this every morning and sometimes in the afternoon.
  • Use as a facial moisturizer to help prevent premature aging and sagging skin. I have also been doing this at night. It is a little to oily for me to use before my make-up. I have noticed a big change in my fine lines on my forehead. Coconut oil also helps to even out skin tone. I have notices a huge change in my skin.
  • For dry or damaged hair massage into scalp. I haven’t done this one yet, but I bet it would be wonderful. I have used it on the ends of my hair and it makes them so silky and shiny. It has helped to get rid of split ends. I hate having to get trims because for some reason I also feel like my hair is way too short after. This is helping to prevent excess trimming.
  • Use as a hand and foot lotion. My hands and cuticles have never been so soft. I haven’t tried it on my feet yet. But I am going to do that ASAP.
  • You can literally use this anywhere you might have dry skin. It is an amazing moisturizer!

Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants as well as inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities. Coconut oil has many vitamins and minerals that experts say all attribute to what the skin needs to have enough elasticity and collagen to prevent stretch marks. Stretch marks appear when the skin has been over stretched. Stretch marks begin on a deeper layer of our skin so we need something to help heal below what our eyes can see and hands can feel. Coconut oil, unlike many other oils, is so tiny that it can actually go deeper into the skin. Coconut oil rebuilds our connective tissue and helps the skin stay youthful. All of these properties are also what makes coconut oil so wonderful for aging skin with wrinkles and sagging. This is truly an anti-aging miracle moisturizer.

I am definitely going to continue using this product throughout my pregnancy and beyond. My skin has never looked so good.

At-Home Arm Workout

These workouts I am going to fill you in on today are amazing. They require no weights so you can do them anywhere. These are also great for anyone who has restrictions, such as bed rest (please check with your doctor first).

These workouts can all be done seated or standing.

I guarantee your arms will be sore!!

Tracy Anderson Sexy Arms – Beginner Challenge

Tracy Anderson Sexy Arms – Advanced Challenge

Tracy Anderson Mat Arms Without Weights

Tracy Anderson – Tough Arm Workout – Sitting

In the comments below:

  1. Have you used coconut oil topically? If so did you like it? What did you use it for?
  2. Do you prefer workouts with weights or without? Have you ever tried any of Tracy Anderson’s workouts?

14 comments on “Coconut Oil + An Arm Workout

  1. Erin on said:

    Yes, I use coconut oil for EVERYTHING! I used it while pregnant as well as jasmines Gaia’s Secret Shea Butter and didn’t get 1 stretch mark. Of course, I was pretty happy about that:) Lots of love to you beautiful Mama. Hope you have a great weekend with your family. xo

    • I fell in love with it the first time I used it. Let’s hope it can work on a twin bump!! Thank you, you enjoy your family too. 🙂

  2. Kate on said:

    I use the mama mio religiously as well and am loving it! Ill have to try the coconut oil… sounds amazing!

    • Mama Mio is wonderful, but you will definitely have to give coconut oil a try too. You will love it!

      • Kate on said:

        So I went out and got some that day lol. Ive only used it for 3 days but your right, its amazing! I love it! It makes my skin less itchy and really moisturized!

  3. Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries on said:

    I’ve been using coconut oil on Hunter’s skin for his rashes and baby acne – it works wonders!!

  4. Beth Sheridan ( on said:

    I have been looking for some new arm workouts, thank you for those! I didn’t use anything special when I was pregnant except for some shea butter and I didn’t get any stretch marks either 🙂

  5. Danielle on said:

    I, too, am pregnant with g/g twins (19 weeks) and am so excited to pick up some coconut oil. Thank you so much for the idea! I have really enjoyed reading your blog throughout this pregnancy. <3

    • Congratulations! That is so exciting. Keep me updated. Thoughts and prayers are with you. You will definitely have to pick some up. It also helped me not itch so much, which was a blessing. 🙂 Thank you so much for reading, it means a lot!

  6. Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome on said:

    I LOVE coconut oil! That brand in particular which I buy at Costco for a steal! I use it as my makeup remover, a night time moisturizer and deep conditioner from time to time. Not to mention eating it everyday!

    • I didn’t know Costco sells it next time we go I am going to have to buy it. Thank you! I definitely have to try it as a deep conditioner soon. My hair needs it!