At the ultrasound this week we found out Baby B’s polyhydramnios (excess fluid) is continuing to progress, which is not a good thing, but this helps explain my rapidly growing belly. Babies are the size of cantaloupes. They are about 10.5 to 11.8 inches long. They weight about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces and everyday they are...
Category: Pregnancy
23 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
Babies are the size of grapefruits. They are about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces. Their faces are fully formed, they simply need a little more fat to fill it out. They are listening to voices and my heartbeat. How far along? 23 weeks Weight Gain? As most of you know I don’t...
22 Weeks Pregnant with Twins
Oh my this picture makes my belly look huge. In person I didn’t think I looked that big. Babies are the length of a spaghetti squash. They are about 11 inches long and 1 pound. We know from our ultrasound last Thursday that they are 10.5 ounces and 1 pound. They are starting to look...
Ultrasound Update + A Total Body Toning and Cardio Workout
Ultrasound Update Yesterday, we had our weekly ultrasound. The twins looked great. They are both growing on their own curve which is perfectly fine as long as they are growing. Baby A, the little one, doubled her weight and is now 10.5 ounces and Baby B almost doubled her weight and is now 16 ounces....