Category: Babies

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A Peek at Our Weekend with Maizy

A Peek at Our Weekend with Maizy

Steve and I spent the weekend in Denver, CO with our little Maizy (Fran and Sarah too). We had so much fun. We spent most of our time holding our sweet baby girl, but we also enjoy some delicious food and time with my brother and sister-in-law. I don’t remember the last time we actually...

MIMM # 132

MIMM # 132

I realized today that I seriously didn’t take any pictures this weekend. I know crazy. That just goes to show you what a relaxing weekend we had. We didn’t have any plans and it felt AMAZING. Of course we went to church on Sunday and since Steve hasn’t been feeling well I took all four!! Yes, you read...

Thinking Out Loud # 78

Thinking Out Loud # 78

Tuesday was hat day at Isabella’s school; everyone had to get in on it. I suggested Isabella’s Tinkerbell hat (that actually fits her), but she insisted on wearing her hat from Papa (my girls just love their Papa) and I must admit she looked adorable. They love their Mimi too. Lately, I’ve been killing it in...
