Benefits of Rebounding | Mini Trampoline Workouts

Benefits of Rebounding | Mini Trampoline Workouts


Where do I even begin? I have fallen back in love with my mini trampoline. I am a huge believer in exercise and movement should be fun and easily incorporated into your day. Find something you love to do and you will look forward to your workouts. Well, when it comes to cardio, jumping on a trampoline may just very well top my list of favorites and it has so many benefits.

Benefits of Mini Trampoline Workouts:

  • takes up little to no space
  • convenient and low cost
  • low impact
  • helps mobility
  • strengthens your stabilizing muscles
  • better posture and body alignment
  • helps with balance
  • helps with fear of falling
  • reduces the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis
  • stimulates the lymphatic system
    • which in turn supports the immune system and keeps us healthy
    • boosts energy
  • gets lymph nodes going
    • helps your body flush out toxins and get rid of the build up of stress
  • circulates blood flow
  • helps in building bone density
  • strengthens your pelvic floor (All my mom’s out there this one is an amazing benefit)
  • strengthens your entire body
  • mood booster – THE HAPPY WORKOUT
  • energy booster
  • helps release negative energy
  • release stress
  • challenges mind and body
  • grounds us
  • mental clarity
  • drives our mind/body connection
  • good for digestion

Nasa did a study and found that 10 minutes of rebounding (mini trampoline workout) is equivalent to about 30 minutes of running, yet it’s easy on your joints. Rebounding is a low impact, high intensity workout, which delivers amazing cardiovascular results.

Seriously, this list can go on go. The benefits are amazing and the best part is that rebounding workouts are fun and energizing. On top of all those benefits, you can purchase a mini trampoline for less than $50 and they take up very little space.

If you have no jumped on the rebounder train yet, it’s about time you join me. I have plenty of beginner to advanced mini trampoline workouts up on my YouTube Channel.

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