Oh my where do I begin?
These past couple of weeks have been tough emotionally. All of our emotions have been up and down, As soon as we find a nice routine something happens.
Our girls began going back in school a couple of weeks ago. Yet, we quickly found ourselves back home shortly thereafter. Well, two of my girls did.
My twins, McKayla and McKenzie started back first. They went back to in person school on a Wednesday and were all smiles, but it sure was tough for me. Saying goodbye to my babies has never been easy and this time was no exception. However, they were amazing, strong and confident, which made me feel better. McKayla and McKenzie were excited to spend the day with their teacher and friends. Our girls’ elementary school is beyond wonderful, which makes it so much easier. I feel truly blessed that they have each other. I love knowing that my girls are together. God certainly knew what he was doing when he gave us twins. Honestly, I thought he was crazy, but he knew better.
Isabella went back to in person school on the Thursday of that same week and I must say it was a little easier. Honestly, knowing my three younger girls are at the same school makes my heart happy. Seeing the excitement on Isabella’s face was icing on the cake. She has been on cloud nine since going back.

Well, those three days felt nice and somewhat normal. It sure was nice to have a routine again. Seeing the joy those school days gave my girls made me one happy mama.
Of course, so much can change in an instant and it sure did. Sunday night (three days after starting) we got the dreaded email that a child in my twins class tested positive for covid and the entire class would be required to quarantine at home for two weeks. Honestly, I had mixed feelings. There was a part of my that was excited to have my babies back, but I was truly heartbroken for them. They were just getting started and I knew this wouldn’t be ideal, but they jumped right back into distant learning as if nothing happened. Kids are resilient and they did an amazing job. I am sure am going to miss our reading time together. These are the moments we will never forget.
We spent some of our days learning for the car and these two adapted to whatever was thrown their way.

Thankfully, we never contracted covid and have stayed healthy. Tomorrow, Monday, is the big day and they get to go back to school.
Sophia, being a 6th grader, has a little different schedule. She attends in person classes two days a week and distant learns 3 days. She has been doing remarkably well. I know she would rather be in school 5 days a week, but at least this is a nice compromise. Honestly, I am not sure I would have been ready to say goodbye to all of my girls everyday just yet, so it’s nice to have her with me.
I truly miss my girls when they are away from me. I enjoy being with them, they’re kind of cool. If I do say so myself. Our house of girls plus Daddy is the best.
I must say, tomorrow is my first day alone since February and I am looking forward to it, but I know I will miss my girls and tears will be shed once again, by me not them.