So, we are finally not so busy that we can go to the gym today. My girls loving playing in the child center and it is a nice little hour away for me. 🙂 Even though I always feel guilty. :/ Today, I am going to take the kickboxing class that I love. If you can’t make it to the gym or would rather workout at home here is a new cardio challenge for you, enjoy! Cardio Kickboxing #2 10 Pound Slimdown Xtreme – Cardio Kickboxing – 40 minutes Pop Cardio Fat Melting Routine – 6 minutes (do it twice)...
Today’s December Challenge Check-In
I just did 30 jumping jacks, 20 push-ups, 20 narrow squats, and 20 regular squats for a 5 day total of 430 reps so far. Only 1582 reps to go, AHHHH, that sounds like a lot. But we can do it! There is still plenty of time to join us. If you decide you want to just click this link: 2012 Closeout Workout Challenge I have to say this made me feel a lot better about eating all this White Chocolate Candy Mix (recipe to come) we just made. 🙂
Today’s Workout – Victoria’s Secret Style
Good morning everyone. I got up nice and early to get my workout in before the day began. We have just been so busy lately this is the best time to exercise. It’s also a great way to start the day! In honor of the Victoria’s Secret fashion show last night I decided to do a Victoria’s Secret workout this morning. It is a great strength training workout and let me tell you I am going to be sore tomorrow. Victoria’s Secret Workout – Courtesy of Blogilates The 1000 Workout – 18 minutes (this is the only one that is...
What I Ate Wednesday #5 – Baked French Toast
Breakfast – 7:30This weekend I made some baked french toast for breakfast. Steve and I haven’t had it in awhile and we were really in the mood for something delicious. This is a family favorite!So, yesterday morning I had a piece of french toast with a few pieces of turkey sausage.Lunch – 11:30Today, for lunch we decided to go to Panera with my mom. We love being with Mimi.I ordered a you pick two and got their Asian Sesame Chicken Salad with half a turkey sandwich; only turkey on it (I know so plain). Oh and of course a bag of...