WIAW # 97

WIAW # 97

Okay, this morning I completely failed. I got everyone in car, drove to school only to realize it was Wednesday and today was a late start. Oh my!! So, we drove home only to do it all over again 30 minutes later. On the bright side with all this running around I hit 10,000 steps before 5pm. Seriously, ever since I got a Fitbit I have become more conscience of how much I am moving or lack there of. If I have been sitting with the girls for too long we may have a dance party or fun jump rope challenges. It has really made me mindful of moving throughout the day. I must say with having four young daughters it’s not difficult to hit 10,000 steps. Now, I am just even more aware. 


Breakfast 7am

Today, was one of those days that everyone wanted something different. So, of course I made everyone what they wanted. I can’t help it. I made almond milk French toast (Sophia has been on a French toast kick, lately.), pancakes (luckily I already had the batter made up) and Greek yogurt waffles. I had a waffle and a couple bites of Sophia French toast and a taste or two of pancakes. The best of everything.

wiaw - greek yogurt waffle

Snack 10am

wiaw - banana

Lunch #1 – 11:30pm

I had egg whites scrambled with a sweet potato and a piece of center cut bacon. For the longest time I thought I had to have a piece of toast with my eggs, but you know what I don’t. A lot of the foods we like are simply because that is how we have always eaten them, but sometimes all you have to do is get out of your own head and try something new. A lot of what we do is simply because we’ve always done it that way.

wiww - egg whites

Snack – 1:30pm

Isabella and I shared a bowl of fruit while McKenzie and McKayla napped. I love my snuggle time with Isabella.

wiaw - bulk fruit

Snack – 3:30pm

I was starting to get hungry, since it was almost time to get Sophia from the bus I quickly ate some carrots and hummus.

Sorry, no time for a picture. 🙂

Dinner – 6:00pm

I made one of our favorites, Baked Chicken Nuggets. These are easy and delicious. The best part is my girls loved them. Sophia gave them 7000 thumbs up and of course Isabella had to do the same thing. Oh I love my girls.

I forgot to get a picture. Steve got stuck in traffic (Michigan weather; it took him an hour and a half. Poor hubby!!) and I was on dinner duty alone so it’s not easy pausing to take a picture. When I do my girls think it’s hilarious. Haha!!

After Dinner Treat – 6:45pm

Right before taking the girls up to bed I snuck a few dark chocolate covered pretzels dipped in almond butter. The perfect little treat to end my day.

wiaw - dark chocolate pretzels

I am struggling to get in more produce throughout my day. I know the reason is my lack of planning. Since, I am going to be starting 21 Day Fix Extreme in a couple weeks I need to get better with veggie prep or I won’t be as successful as I would like. I think I am going to start writing down my menu for the following week on Friday and go to the store on Saturday or Sunday. Maybe, just maybe meal prep for the week ahead. We will see how that goes. I will keep you updated.

If you are new here, head on over to Jenn’s blog to read all about What I Ate Wednesday!!

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