Good evening everyone. I thought I would mix it up a little this week and add in what our typical day looks like now. With Sophia being in school our looks a little different then the last time I did a day in the life. It’s kind of crazy so hang in there with me.
Last night McKayla and McKenzie had a not so great night. They have been sleeping so well, but will occasionally have a rough night and last night was one of those nights. Here it goes…
McKenzie wakes up screaming, I quickly run in to their room to help her before she wakes her sister. Well, I was a little too late, by the time I got into their room they are both up and screaming. I try to get them both back to sleep without waking Steve, but it just didn’t happen. So, at 4:30am I have to knock on the wall (our room is right next to the babies). Finally, I get McKenzie back to sleep at 4:45, Steve is still working on McKayla (she was being a tough cookie, nothing new). I was planning on getting up at 5:00am anyway so I decided to simply stay up for the day and get my workout done. Bonus!
I did the blogilates calendar leg and bum workouts for the week. Steve finally gets McKayla back to sleep at 5:30am. Not an easy morning.
Finish my workout hurry up stairs to start getting ready before anyone wakes up. Not so lucky, at 6:15am McKenzie is screaming once again. I run into their room pat her back and get her back to sleep. I finish getting dressed and get downstairs by 6:30 to make some Oatmeal Pumpkin Pancakes (on school days it’s easiest if I eat before anyone wakes up). After I eat I get Sophia’s lunch all ready, make sure her bag is packed and ready to go. I also check to see that everyone’s shoes are at the door. It is no fun looking for a missing shoe when we are trying to leave. We have no time for missing shoes!
McKenzie wakes up so I get her up, but wow she is crabby. That’s what happens when someone doesn’t sleep well. I already had a couple pancakes ready so I give her one to get her started eating. Sophia wakes up at 7:15am. (I am glad she slept in, but it definitely makes for a quicker morning.) I go upstairs get her dressed, do her hair, then come downstairs to feed her breakfast. She wants French toast. (I had a feeling she would want that so I already had the batter ready.) Isabella wakes up at 7:30am I go get her dressed, do her hair and bring her downstairs. Then make her French toast too. Finally, little McKayla wakes up at 7:50am. I hurry upstairs, get her out of her crib and quickly feed her a pancake; we have to be out the door by 8:00am. While McKayla is eating everyone else is getting their shoes on.
Sophia and Isabella begin walking out the door, I pick up McKayla and McKenzie, carry them outside, place them in the stroller and we are off to the bus stop. 8:10am the bus arrives. Sophia says, “I don’t want to leave you Mommy.” Those words pierce my heart every time. I just want to tell her you don’t have to go, stay with me all day. I kiss her goodbye and she gets on the bus. Isabella, McKayla, McKenzie and myself walk home without our Sophia. We are sad, very sad. Once, we get home the girls play while I clean the kitchen after our crazy morning.
McKenzie and McKayla start to get cranky. I am sure they are tired. McKayla hasn’t been awake for very long, but they didn’t sleep well last night. Anyway, they just felt like screaming. I decide they are going to take an early nap (my arms were so tired from holding both of them all morning). I carry both babies upstairs rock them for a few minutes then put them in their cribs and see what happens (technically this would be too soon for a nap, but they were driving me crazy). I run downstairs, check on Isabella and do a little housework, fill out some school paperwork, and play with Isabella. I finally turn the monitor on (I was afraid; I wasn’t sure what they would be doing). McKenzie and McKayla were having a ball, most likely they weren’t going to sleep. McKayla finds the cord to the camera and decides it would be fun to shake it. So, I run upstairs to put a stop to that only to discover they both have stinky diapers. I change their diapers and realize they are not going to sleep. At 9:30am I bring them downstairs. I guess it will be a one nap day! I am hungry so I make myself a poached egg on sprouted grain bread. I get Isabella a bowl of fruit.
Oh my goodness, is it really only 10am? Ahhhh!! I feel like we have done so much. Oh my!! McKenzie and McKayla start to get cranky once again so I give them some oatmeal and they love it, that seems to work for now. After we go into the playroom and play for a little bit. I sneak upstairs so I can get Sophia’s sheets off her bed and wash them. Of course as I am in the laundry room I hear screaming, they noticed I was gone. I quickly hurry back into the playroom.
Isabella says she’s hungry so I make her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I clean the kitchen check the laundry then decide I am in the mood for a chocolate cake. It’s never too early for chocolate right?! At least it’s semi-healthy. I made a paleo/gluten free chocolate cake.
I feed McKenzie and McKayla some lunch. By this time they are quite cranky. They really need a nap, but since they are only having one nap today they can’t go to sleep until 1pm. So, we have one hour. I give McKenzie peanut butter and jelly and McKayla a piece of toast with almond butter. While they are eating Isabella and I play with play doh. Finally, at 12:45pm McKenzie and McKayla can’t take it anymore and neither can I! So, I carry them both upstairs, rock them for a few minutes, place them in their cribs and they fall asleep shortly after I leave the room.
Isabella and I go upstairs for her nap/rest time. She chooses a book, we read and rock then cuddle for a few minutes. She lays in bed, reads and plays quietly. I go downstairs get Sophia’s sheets out of the dryer and make her bed. I fold laundry, do some work, clean the kitchen all while watching Days of Our Lives (a guilty pleasure while the girls sleep). I eat some turkey, hummus, and carrots.
Usually, Isabella rests for an hour and a half, but today I really wanted to snuggle with her. So, I go and tell Isabella rest time is over and she wants to snuggle (I knew she would) so we lay in my bed and watch a show. This is one of my favorite parts of the day. Love my one-on-one time.
McKenzie wakes up and then McKayla shortly after. I bring them both into my bedroom and we play there for a little bit. They have fun dancing with Isabella. I love watching the three of them giggle.
We all go downstairs I give everyone a snack. Isabella has a yogurt and some fruit, McKenzie and McKayla have some grapes and finish their lunches.
I start getting everyone ready to meet big sissy at the bus stop. Since, it was raining today I decide we were going to drive. Normally, we walk. At 3:45 I get everyone in the car and we head to the bus stop.
Sophia’s bus arrives!! I get a big hug and kiss. We are so excited to see each other. I help her get into the car. We get home at about 4:15pm, I give Sophia a snack and start making dinner. McKenzie and McKayla decide they are going to lose it at about 4:30pm. They scream for about 45 minutes. This was a tough time for us. They have been so happy lately, this came out of nowhere. I was not ready for it and I was tired, since someone woke me up at 4 in the morning. Unfortunately, I got a little frustrated. Not my best mommy moment. But, I learn from it and moved on. I munched on some fruit while cooking dinner.
Trying to cook dinner with two crying babies is no easy feat, but somehow I make it work. I have dinner on the table when Steve walks through the door at 6:00pm. It always feels good to have a nice dinner made.
I decided to try a new recipe tonight and it was a hit. I made crescent burgers; this was a recipe I had pinned forever ago. Loved it! I didn’t take a picture, it was a crazy night.
We take McKenzie and McKayla upstairs for bath time. Sophia and Isabella come up a few minutes after us to get their pajamas on and brush their teeth.
We get McKenzie and McKayla out of the bath and take them to their bedroom. I rock them then place them in their beds. After leaving the babies room I get Sophia and Isabella into Sophia’s bed to snuggle, read books, and pray. Once we finish I carry Isabella to her bed. After kissing Isabella I go back to Sophia’s room and we read a chapter out of A Mouse on a Motorcycle (this is a new thing we have started since starting school). I love our new routine it gives us some alone time and Sophia loves to be read too and I love that we are reading chapter books. Perfect night!! I leave Sophia’s room at 7:30pm, wash my face, and get ready for bed.
Everyone is asleep. Whoo hoo!! I clean the kitchen and make Sophia’s lunch. I should clean the playroom, but I just can’t, oh well!!
I finally sit down, finish my blog, check emails, and spend time with my hubby.
Lights Out! Goodnight!

In the Comments Below:
- What was your favorite food from this week?
And I thought my day was busy chasing around my crawling 7 month old!! Man I’m exhausted just reading that!
Haha!! It is crazy to think how everyone’s circumstance changes their view. When I only had Sophia I thought it was so much work and now I think wow that would have been a dream.
Man what a day! When I got to the 10am, I was thinking the same thing “only 10” and you had done so much. You are amazing to keep up with all your little ones!
Wednesday, was definitely a tough day. The babies only taking one nap was brutal. Thank you, I always say having twins is going to keep me young and strong.
You are amazing! ! I’m exhausted reading all of that! ! Good job mama♡
Awe, thank you Jess.
I think it’s funny that you had cake at lunchtime
I would’ve done the same thing after a rough morning! Days like today are extra tough when they come out of nowhere. I’m sure your girls will be feeling better in no time and things will settle down. That’s what I always tell myself anyway 
Oh my, it was a moment of peace. Haha!! You are right they are so much worse when they are unexpected. Yes, I need to remind myself of that more often; especially in the thick of the moment.
This post came at the perfect time. I was feeling just plain angry tonight about how busy and hard my life is in this stage. I have a 7 yr old, twins that are two (who have slept terrible since birth) and a 5 month old. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one constantly making food/snacks and cleaning up my kitchen! I think things have been more rough lately because I turned my fam all paleo a few weeks ago. The dishes and cooking just never end! It feels nice to know there are others out there going through the same things
I hope you get some better rest tonight! I applaud you for waking up early religiously to work out!! Hang in there Momma
I am so glad this post helped you. I love when I come across an article that simply clicks with my life at that moment. Wow, you are one busy lady too!! The cleaning gets so annoying. Haha!! Some days I simply give up on that. I hate when I clean during the day and by the time Steve gets home you can’t even tell. Now when you have a rough day remember I am right there with you.
We are in this together!! Hugs and kisses coming your way.