As, most of you know yesterday was my birthday and of course I had my fair share of treats. I am a huge believer of everything in moderation, so that is exactly how I ate yesterday. I might have indulged a little more then usual, but I made sure to eat healthier throughout the rest of my meals and snacks.
Today, I am participating in What I Ate Wednesday. Thanks Jenn.
Post Workout – 6:45am
I had my favorite protein shake. I love having this right after working out. This always holds me over until I can eat breakfast with my girls.
Breakfast – 7:30am
We had Greek yogurt waffles. Yum!!
Snack – 10am
Lunch – 12pm
Lately, I have been loving poached eggs on toasted Italian bread.
Birthday Treat – 1pm
After lunch we enjoyed my grandmas pound. My grandma and brother came over and spent a few hours with us for my birthday. Of course, Grandma brought one my favorite treats. I loved every bite. The girls loved it too. I will get you the recipe ASAP!
Dinner – 5:30pm
Steve stopped home and dropped off some of my favorite cupcakes. I knew I didn’t want to eat a huge dinner, since I wanted to save room for my cupcake. All about balance.
For dinner I had a chicken sausage and a small sweet potato.
Dessert – 6:30pm
Of course, I ate half the peanut butter and chocolate cupcake. I seriously might have eaten the entire thing if Sophia didn’t want the other half. But, that’s okay I will always share with my girls.
As you can see I consciously made healthier choices throughout the rest of the day. I also made sure to eat smaller portions knowing I was going to indulge in treats later on. When I indulge I make sure not to go over board. So, instead of eating an entire cupcake I ate half. That way I was able to still enjoy my favorite treat without feeling uncomfortable.
In the Comments Below:
- What was your favorite food from this week?
- How do you handle indulgences?
Happy belated birthday! I try to do the same if I know I’m going to have treats later in the day. Or I’ll have a treat then make sure to eat clean the rest of the day. I’m not one of those, “throw the day out the window” type of eaters which is good I guess. Although it does happen every once in awhile