Hello, Hello
I hope you are having a wonderful week. Can you believe tomorrow is Thursday already? That means I am linking up with Jenn for What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday. Wow, I haven’t written one of these posts in a LONG time.
Yesterday, was Sophia’s 6th birthday and it truly is bittersweet. I am so proud of the little girl she is becoming, yet I am so sad to say good-bye to my sweet little baby. Where did the time go? It feel like just yesterday I was rocking her sleep, holding her tight. We are so blessed to have such an amazing daughter in our lives. She is the best biggest sister we could have even wished for; always there to help and love her little sisters. She is a smart, sweet, kind, and loving little girl. And boy does she love life. Sophia has taught me so much about life and love I am truly forever grateful. I thank God for her everyday for giving me Sophia and making me a mom. She shows me what life is all about. We love you with all our hearts!! Happy birthday sweet girl.
So, for today’s What I Ate Wednesday, I thought I would show you how I incorporate special occasions into my clean eating plan.
I began the day with the Upper Body Extreme (21 Day Fix Extreme) workout and it was great start to my day. I can’t imagine not starting my day with exercise; I love it!!
I knew Sophia had requested cinnamon rolls for her birthday breakfast and I knew I would want to enjoy one with her. Therefore, to make sure I got some protein at breakfast I ate 4 egg whites before anyone woke up. I realized when I start my day healthy my food choices tend to stay healthy throughout the day.
Sophia really wanted to spend the day at the pool, but of course our crazy Michigan weather didn’t hold up; it was chilly and rainy. So, what’s a mom to do. Well, we went to pick up Sophia’s cake and decided to make the best of it. We ended up having a wonderful day at home.
After getting back from the grocery store I heated up some leftover Salsa Chicken and made a taco salad with lettuce, a sprinkle of cheese, and a splash of salsa verde. It was delicious and extremely filling. I am definitely going to make sure I continue to incorporate this into my weekly meals.
Mimi stopped by for a little bit and gave Sophia one of her favorite gifts; a snorkel and flippers set. Poor thing hasn’t been able to try to out since it has been cold and rainy. Hopefully, tomorrow; it actually looks beautiful.
Of course Mimi brought gifts for everyone. Isabella loves her new Cinderella jewelry set.
I munched on some fruit throughout the afternoon.
Then, I was hungry again and knew I just wouldn’t make it until dinner, so I heated up a couple of meatloaf muffins and edamame (my new favorite afternoon snack and they are extremely easy to make).
Since, it was Sophia’s birthday she got to choose what we have for dinner and she chose steak. I added some green beans and carrots.
We ended the night with cake and ice cream. Delicious!!
If you have been reading my blog for awhile you know I really try to enjoy everything in moderation. I eat clean about 80% of the time; this is what works for me. It allows me to enjoy a piece of birthday cake. I don’t want to live my life saying no to everything; sometimes to have to live a little. So, yesterday I simply made sure to eat clean throughout the day this way I could end it with a nice sweet treat; birthday cake and ice cream.
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me what you have been eating lately.
That sounds like such a fun birthday celebration!!
And I’m loving the looks of all those veggies! I agree with you, too, a healthy breakfast kind of sets the tone for the whole day!
It was so much fun. I love celebrating my girls and seeing their smiling faces. Yes, I definitely learned that if I don’t start my day healthy I won’t end it healthy.
I’m in MI too, it is so gorgeous today, hopefully the birthday girl can test out her present
Yes, beautiful today!! Loved it. She definitely enjoyed her snorkel and flippers set. She was one happy little girl.