Good morning everyone. Since it’s Wednesday, I checking in on what I have been eating lately. Yesterday, was our first day home with both girls. It was quite the experience. Honestly, it was a wonderful day. Sophia and Isabella loved it just as much as I did. My mom was over all day to help with all four girls. I don’t know what we would do without her, she is amazing.
The day went smoothly. McKenzie and McKayla pretty much ate and slept the entire day. Which meant I felt like all I did was nurse. They did give me a few three hour stretches, not too bad. We are getting pretty good at tandem nursing, which is such a blessing. I do have to say that tandem nursing isn’t going as well at night. It is difficult for me to get both girls nursing comfortably in the dark and they aren’t waking up at the same time. McKenzie can go 3-4 hours without eating, but McKayla is more like 2-3 hours. Sometimes they do get it together and eat at the same time, but not always. We will continue to work on it and someday I will sleep again.
Right now I am simply enjoying my girls, exhaustion and all.
Being a mom to four daughters is more difficult in some aspects than I thought it was going to be, yet it is also easier in other ways. Sophia and Isabella have been wonderful since having our babies home. I couldn’t ask for anything more. It is truly a blessing. Though, I cannot lie I am exhausted.
Let’s get to what I having been eating these days. Forewarning pictures didn’t really happen. I either forgot to take them or didn’t have time to take them.
Meal # 1 – 8:00
I had French toast made on this amazing cinnamon bread my neighbor brought over. I have the nest neighbors.
Meal # 2 – 12:00
Lately, I have been having a turkey wrap with cheese and half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I love the sweet paired with the savory. It has been my go to lunch. Of course, it is quick and easy, so that’s a bonus.
Snack # 1 – 2:00
I had a chocolate brownie z-bar. When I want a chocolate fix these are perfect..
Snack # 2 – 3:00
Meal # 3 – 6:00
Sophia requested pancakes, nice and simple. I didn’t make my typical protein pancakes, simply because I wanted quick. We made pancakes using the Kodiak protein pancake mix, all you do is add water and they are delicious. I paired them with some turkey sausage.
Dessert – 7:30
Lately, I have been enjoying my favorite microwave chocolate cake. Easy and delicious.
Tomorrow, I will be reviewing another postpartum product and fill you in on how everything is going since having the babies three weeks ago. I can’t believe it has already been three weeks. Talk to you tomorrow.
In the Comments Below:
- What is your go to easy meal?
- Do you like to enjoy a sweet treat at the end of the day? Or at various other times of the day?
- What is your go to easy sweet treat?
I can imagine you are exhausted! You are amazing for tandem nursing. I bet it is a challenge, but just like nursing one baby, I’m sure it’ll only get easier with time. That’s so neat your mom can be nearby to help with things. I’m sure that makes a huge difference!
Thank you, I am determined to make it work.
I keep telling myself it will get easier. I know as they become better the whole process will become a breeze; I hope!!
I am so blessed to be able to have my mom here. I know that isn’t possible for so many people and I don’t know what I would do without her. She is my angel. Life would be total chaos without. With her it is only a little chaotic.
Thank you, I am determined to make it work.
I keep telling myself it will get easier. I know as they become better the whole process will become a breeze; I hope!!
I am so blessed to be able to have my mom here. I know that isn’t possible for so many people and I don’t know what I would do without her. She is my angel. Life would be total chaos without. With her it is only a little chaotic.
Oh my I’m sure you’re exhausted! I bet before you know it you’ll be in a routine with all four girls and things will be so much easier
That’s so great that your mom is there to help out!
I am sure you are right. We will get a nice routine going and things will get easier. I can’t wait to get back to so normalcy or as we say our new normal.
My mom is the best.
You must be exhausted! I remember those days! My twins are almost 4 months now and it does get better! Good for you being able to tandom nurse. I never was able to do it!
It is so nice to hear that it does get easier. I know 4 months is a magic age everything seems to begin to fall into place.
enjoyed reading about the twins! so glad that all of you are home now. i am 33 weeks with boy / girl twins and have 3 boys at home 6,4, & 2. exciting to be reading about what i will be going through in the next few weeks!
Thank you. Wow, you are going to have a busy house too. That is so exciting!! Please keep me updated, I can’t wait for you to meet your twins.
Ahh, the exhaustion! I’m there now too. Hate to say this, but at 7 weeks old they are way more exhausting than they were a few weeks ago. They used to pretty much sleep allll the time and NEVER cry but now that they are getting bigger they are awake more and more fussier. Although I still think they are pretty good babies, just harder! Still wouldn’t trade it for the world! So much fun
Oh, and I’m proud of you for finding time to blog…rarely happens for me! You are an incredible mother!
Oh yes it is something else. But somehow, we moms, manage to function on little to no sleep.
Thank you for giving me something to look forward too. Haha!!
It is not easy, but I love having this outlet so I am really trying hard to write posts. Having my mom here is the only way I am functioning.
I can only imagine how exhausted you are – with two older girls running around on top of your two little ones. But I bet it’s a good exhausted!
Good for you for being able to tandem nurse!!! One of my biggest fears is that I won’t be able to tandem nurse and I’ll be nursing around the clock. Have you tried waking McKenzie up when McKayla gets up to nurse? I can’t remember if I read that you should only do that during the day or if that’s recommended for the night as well. I’m sure it’s difficult because they’re both at different weights so they need different amounts of food. One thing that people have been telling me over and over again though that the sooner you get them both on a schedule, the better off you’ll be. You’ll get there mama!
It is crazy I should feel even more tied than I do, but for some reason we moms, just keep going.
Tandem nursing is definitely not the easiest thing to do at the beginning, but it does get better each time we do it. The most difficult thing about waking one up at night is they don’t always want to wake up.
It is also so much more difficult to tandem nurse in the dark. Haha. But I know we will get it together. It is also difficult because McKenzie being almost 6 pounds can go longer stretches, so I feel bad waking her up. I know I need them on the same schedule especially at night.
Yes, everyone told me that to about the schedule. I am definitely going to continue working on it!!