Good evening everyone. I hope your week is going well. Ours is off to a rough start. I had to take McKayla back to the doctors today and sure enough she had another ear infection. Yes, this is her fourth. I am beside myself. I can’t even tell you how rough it has been lately. Having two sick babies is no easy task and they have been sick all winter long. I am one exhausted Mama. As you know I don’t like to complain, but I also want to be honest with you so I am going to take a minute and vent. I never want you to think my life is perfect I want you to be able to relate to me and know that we are all going through the same hardships. These past few months have been quite awful. Some days I don’t even know how I function, but each and every day I pull it together. McKenzie and McKayla have each had four ear infections and not at the same time, so that means very little sleep us. Some days I do okay, but lately I have been sad. Sad is the best way to describe how I have been feeling. I simply don’t know where my life is going. I don’t even know what is going on right now. I am lost and I feel as though I have lost myself. I didn’t feel like this after Sophia and Isabella, but having McKenzie and McKayla is something completely different and something I never expected. I know this is only a short time, but it is still tough. Everything will be okay (I tell myself that constantly)!! From this moment on I am going to choose happiness, I am going to choose to have energy, I am going to choose to live my life the best I can, I am going to choose to embrace this time in my life. I am going to choose to let it go!! Please join me in living a happy life.
Okay, enough of my venting. It’s time for another toddler Tuesday. Today, as promised I am sharing with you my girls’ behavior charts.
Here is the basic chart. I am still going to add some more stickers and make it pretty, but I was exhausted. I am going to place Velcro in each square and on the back of stars, this way we can easier stick them on the chart when they act appropriately. Here is where I got my inspiration.
I have to tell you Sophia is so excited for her behavior chart. Isabella is not so sure. I know my girls will excel at earning stars.
Well, that’s all for tonight I am going to bed. I will talk to you tomorrow.
In the Comments Below:
Tell me how you about your what you do in your house for rewards or behavior.
I’m with you! I have 6 month old identical twin boys & a 2 1/2 year old son as well. Some days we all cry together & I’m overwhelmed with housework, the kids, working. & keeping track of the bills but like you, I try to stay positive & keep telling myself, everything will be alright!
God bless you & your beautiful family!
– MaryKathryn
Thank you. Oh my, I know life is something else. All of us crying happens far too often. It has definitely gotten better since the are a little older, but still the hardest thing I have ever done. I will keep you in my thought and prayers. xoxo
Have you looked into taking the girls to a chiropractor? It can do wonders for those ear infections. I hear you on them though… It’s tough seeing your baby so sick.
I haven’t yet; but I think it’s time we try anything. I am so tired of our girls being on medicine. I forgot to mentioned that before; I guess my brain is not all there these days.
Thank you!!
Hang in there. It is only for a short period of time in the grand scheme of things. We definitely have harder days than others and some days, I’m an emotional mess! Trying to find the silver lining and staying positive is key; it’s what keeps me going on not-so-good days. I hope your girls get better soon and that you feel better, too! Sending you lots of hugs!
I know, but some moments it is so hard to remember that.
Yes, finding the good in everything is definitely the best way to go. Thank you!!