Good evening everyone. This has been another crazy day. I don’t even know where to begin. First, I should tell you last night was terrible, in the sleep department. McKenzie and McKayla have simply been miserable for the past few days. So, I decided I needed to take the to the doctors once again. Well, low and behold they both have ear infections again!! I seriously can’t take it any more, but at least we know what has been bothering them lately and hopefully now that they are on medicine things will start to get happier around here.
Since, it is Tuesday I thought I would write another toddler Tuesday post. Today I am going to share with you my favorite baby items.
1. A baby carrier/wrap. Five years ago when Sophia was born the Baby Bjorn was very popular; it was what “everyone” was using. So, being a first time mama I thought that was the one I had to have too. It worked well for us, the handful of times I used it (I really wish I would have used it more with Sophia). When Isabella was born almost 3 years ago the Moby wrap was getting quite popular and I thought it looked so cozy, so I bought one of those and used it all the time. I loved wearing Isabella in it at home, it wasn’t as convenient to use when out of the house. However, I learned that if I did want to use it at the grocery store, the mall, etc. I had to put the wrap on before even leaving the house, once we arrived at our destination I would simply put Isabella in it. Isabella got big quickly so I stopped wearing her as often after 6-9 months.
Jumping forward 2 more years; McKenzie and McKayla arrive born. I quickly learned that with twins wearing one is essential. When they first came home, as with Isabella I loved the Moby wrap. However, it just took a second too long to put on (with four daughters every second counts). Once they got a little bigger I started to use the Bjorn again. I liked it at first, but started to realize it was not very comfortable to wear for hours at a time. I also started to do some research and learned that it is not the best carrier for the development of babies hip development. Through my research I came upon the Boba carrier and it was love at first site. The company was so kind as to send me one to use and review. This was my number one packing essential for Disney World. It seriously, saved the day.
2. The wubbanub. McKenzie loves her wubbanub. I can easily lay her down with her wubbanub and she will fall asleep. If you have a baby who loves his/her pacifier I highly recommend getting one of these. She not only loves the pacifier part she loves the stuffed animal part of it too.
3. Crib projector. It seems as though the princess one we bought for Sophia is not being made any more. I have tried to find it (I want to get a second one, so both girls can have their own), but have come up empty handed. There are many other ones on the market, but I don’t care for them as much as I do ours. So we will see what we end up doing. I love using this for nap time. I can simply lay McKenzie in her crib turn on the lights and she will calm herself down and simply go to sleep. It makes my life much easier. McKenzie has also learned how to turn it on herself and will stay in her crib for awhile once she is awake watching the lights.
4. Car seat bar toys. These are a great way to keep your baby busy while in their car seat. I have used it with all of my girls and they have all loved it. The one we have lights up and plays a song.
5. Baby Einstein take along toy. This one little toy had save us time and time again. We first got it with Sophia and seriously this toy has gotten us through many, many dinners. She loved watching the lights and listening to the music. I had to make sure McKenzie and McKayla each had one.
6. Jumperoo – McKenzie and McKayla love jumping in their rainforest jumperoo. They get the biggest smiles on their faces.
7. Leapfrog Musical Table – I just brought this one up from the basement and it is a hit. Sophia and Isabella loved it too and I can already see that it is going to be a favorite of McKenzie and McKaylas.
8. Sit to Stand Learning Walker – I swear this is the toy that had Sophia walking before she turned one. But the best thing about this toy is that it can be used way before they are learning to walk. McKenzie and McKayla already love it.
9. Baby Crinkle Books – McKenzie and McKayla love the sound these books make. They keep them entertained forever.
10. Big Sisters – Yes, I had to include this one. This is not something you can buy, but boy do they love their sisters. They could watch them act silly forever. They truly love them.
In the Comments Below:
- What are some of your favorite baby products?
I’m sorry the babies are sick again! That’s the worst! Have you thought about bringing them to a chiropractor? I’ve been bringing Emme and Brooklyn to one since they were born. It’s supposed to be helpful for those nasty eat infections!
It is no fun. I have never even heard about going to a chiropractor to help with stuffiness. I am going to look into it. Thank you!!
Great list! It’s always so helpful to get feedback on toys from moms. I put some of the items on my baby wish list
Thank you. I am glad I could help. I have learned a lot from having 4 babies.