Toddler Tuesday # 17

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Toddler Tuesday # 17

Good evening everyone. I am sorry this is going out so late today, but life is just crazy these days. I really try to spend every minute with my girls.

Before we get to our typical Tuesday post I want to fill you in a few of the days details.

Sophia wore her Ariel costume to dance today and loved every minute of it. Seeing her expression on her face was worth every penny. Later in the day Sophia and I carved her pumpkin (Steve empties them for us, so all I have to do is make it look pretty). Sophia decided that she wanted a ghost so of course I wanted to do that for her. It was not an easy task but I completed it and it looked pretty good. Once I get a picture I will post it.

Tomorrow, Isabella and I are going to tackle her pumpkin, which is going to have Minnie Mouse on it. We did Minnie Mouse  last year, but Bella wants it again. I will have to show you a picture of our pumpkin from last year, it took me forever but turned out amazing (if I don’t say so myself).

Ok all of that was a little random, but that is how our days have been going lately. We have been all over the place.

Anyway, since it is Tuesday I am linking up with Giselle for Toddler Tuesday.

toddler tuesday logo

I am doing things a little different today. I feel like being philosophical. I have had a lot on my mind lately and I thought I would share some of it with you.

Sometimes it is easy to think of all the things that we can’t do when a change happens in our life, but today I want to take a minute and look at all the wonderful things a major life change has done for me.

How Being a Mom has Changed Me:

  1. Happier
  2. Healthier
  3. More Patient
  4. More Caring
  5. More Generous
  6. More Understanding
  7. More Accepting
  8. More Flexible (with everyday life, not physically) 🙂
  9. More Relaxed

Okay this list could go on and on forever. I truly feel my life has changed for the better since becoming a mom. Yes, we all have rough days, but for me the good outweighs the bad. I defiantly have days when I wonder what I am doing. I know that my girls is the best thing that God could have ever given me. Being a mother has truly taught me how to love people and love life. It has taught me to enjoy this wonderful world. It has allowed me to see this world from my daughters eyes and it truly is a wonderful place.

Before becoming a mother I didn’t know what it meant to really care for another person more then yourself. I never knew what it meant to give all of yourself to another person. Being a mother truly means giving your heart away to someone else.

In the comments below please join me in listing some of things that motherhood has done for you. From this point on let’s try to always look at all the wonderful things motherhood has given us.

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Next Tuesday we will talk about what we do to combat all our Halloween candy. We will definitely have an overabundance with two little ones trick or treating.

4 comments on “Toddler Tuesday # 17

  1. Love this post! Becoming a mother has changed my life for the better, too. I am certainly more patient, understanding, relaxed and flexible now that I am a mom. I love every minute of it and I look forward to our newest addition coming soon!

  2. Love this! I have been thinking a lot lately about how becoming a mom has changed me for the better in ways I didn’t know I needed to change. Definitely agree with many you listed!

    • Thanks. 🙂 You are so right I changed in so many ways I never knew needed adjusting, but I am so much better for it.


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