We can choose to be happy. We decide how we are going to act. I have started talking to both Sophia and Isabella about choosing happiness. Every morning we are going to talk about choosing to be happy for that day. I know they are a little young, but I don’t think it’s ever too early to start talking about living a happy life.
Two of our favorite books about our moods:

Getting Out of a Bad Mood
Throughout the day if we are starting to get into a bad funk I try to turn things around by literally turning my girls around. I think sometimes toddlers, preschoolers, and people in general have a difficult time getting out of a bad mood. So this is our way of turning our day around.
When Sophia or Isabella gets into a bad mood and can’t seem turn it around I help them. I take their hand and spin them around a few times, then I shake their hands while saying, “shake the “nos” away and bring out the yesses hurray!” The girls think this is great and it completely changes their mood. It also helps me do something fun with girls after a rough moment.
Remember no matter how old or young you are you can choose happiness!! Let’s all choose happiness and our lives will be filled with more joy then you will ever know. We decide how our day is going to go, we are in charge of ourselves and how we act.
In the Comments Below:
What are some things you do to do live a happy life?
I love this! I couldn’t agree more. You are a great mom!
Thank you!! I truly believe life is what you make it.
This is such a great idea! I love this! When Keenan is in a bad mood, I always say, “The mommy tickle monster is going to tickle you and get all the grumpiness out!” It always works because he immediately starts smiling and we enjoy some tickles and laughs together, which make things so much better after some not-so-fun moments.
Thank you!! All you need to get kids out of a bad mood is some giggles and it helps us too.