Toddler Tuesday # 12 – Big Sister Hospital Bags

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Toddler Tuesday # 12 – Big Sister Hospital Bags


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Thank you Giselle for hosting Toddler Tuesday.

Good morning everyone. All of our appointments went very well yesterday. The twins ultrasound looked great and so did their NST. Right now they are developing as if they have no size discrepancy or as if they never had problems. But who knows what the coming weeks have in store for us. The doctors still want to deliver between 34 and 35 weeks. Only a few more weeks and we get to meet our little girls. I am getting more excited each and everyday. I can’t believe the time is already here. These nine months have flown by. Back at 17 weeks I never thought we would make it this long, but look here we are ready to meet are girls.

Big Sister Hospital Bags:

This past week or so I have been working on buying things for the girls biggest sister and big sister gift bags for when the arrive at the hospital. I am filling their bags with quiet activities they can do while we are at the hospital. My mom will be bringing them up to see us.

 Stickers can keep them happy forever.

Melissa and Doug
Melissa and Doug

I put a book in each of the girls bags, they love to read.


Each girl will get a mess free coloring book.


 They will each get a puzzle in their bags.

Melissa and Doug
Melissa and Doug
Melissa and Doug
Melissa and Doug

I am sure as the weeks go on I will continue buying things to put in their bags, but for now I think I have a pretty good variety of everything they love to sit down and do together. I think I am going to add a few more books, but I have decided which ones yet. We already have two big sister books, but I think I might buy a couple more for them to receive when they get to the hospital. Actually, I might grab the two they have and put those into their bags; Sophia is the only one who might catch on.  🙂

In the Comments Below:

  1. If you have more then one child what were their hospital gift(s)?
  2. What are so other suggestions you might have for me to put in my girls bags?

3 comments on “Toddler Tuesday # 12 – Big Sister Hospital Bags

  1. Beth Sheridan @sugarcoatedsheridans on said:

    Oh such a great idea! My little boy LOVES puzzles and stickers so that would definitely keep him entertained for awhile 🙂

  2. Amy E on said:

    Hello! I have a 6 1/2 month old baby boy who decided to be born at 3:36am. Our daughter, 5 years old, stayed with us at the hospital the entire night (in the waiting room with friends). Since we had went to the hospital at midnight and stayed for several hours, she had gotten very hungry. I would suggest packing your girls a snack and a bottle of water. You don’t want to be searching for a dollar to get something out of a machine! Best of luck!!