Toddler Tuesday # 10 – Mom Quotes

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Toddler Tuesday # 10 – Mom Quotes

I want to thank everyone for the kind birthday wishes. I had a wonderful relaxing day with my family. It ended up being colder than expected but still just as much fun. It was amazing reading all the wonderful comments.

Sophia got to ride in the golf cart with my dad for the last few holes (my parents live on the golf course) and she had a blast. She loves riding in golf carts to begin with, then add the golfing aspect to it and she was in heaven. She said next time she wants to bring her clubs.

Happy Tuesday! It is a rainy day today and the girls and I are enjoying putting puzzles together.

Sophia said to me, “It is nice to have a rainy day so we can stay inside and do puzzles”.

For toddler Tuesday today I thought I would share a few quotes that really help me get through day. 🙂


This is my mantra each and every day. When I have a moment where I simply want to scream at my girls, I think about this and it helps me to stop and speak kindly and calmly. Which is not always easy. I truly believe this is true. Our children internalize what we say and we need to think about how we react to each and every situation. Now don’t get me wrong I am not perfect and I definitely have good days and bad. There are some days were I just can’t seem to get it together. But, I really try to stay calm, cool, and collected when I am talking to my girls. I think it helps us all have a better day.


I love this quote. Not everything in the quote pertains to us, but it remind me how sweet and innocent our children are. It reminds me that one day they are not going to need me as much as they do now and that my sweet girls are going to grow up. This quote is a great reminder that no matter what this to shall pass and I am going to miss these precious moments someday. I really try to stop and cherish all of my moments with my girls.

Every few weeks Sophia has been waking up crying with nightmares, so the first time I go into her room I try to calm her and put her back to sleep. But if she continues to wake up I bring her into my bed and she loves to cuddle, which is so sweet, but I don’t sleep as well. I try to remind myself that this phase shall pass and I will miss it greatly.


I had to add in this last one, simply because it reminds me of my girls. They are really beginning to play together and I truly pray that they will be friends for life. Having a sister is a special bond, but some times it’s difficult to see at the moment.

Don’t forget to head on over to Gisele’s blog and see what she has in store for Toddler Tuesday. As always, thank you for hosting such a fun link-up.

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In the Comments Below:

  1. What are some quotes or mantras that help you get through the day?

6 comments on “Toddler Tuesday # 10 – Mom Quotes

  1. Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome on said:

    Great post! There have definitely been times where I’ve almost lost my cool and wanted to scream at The Love Nugget. It’s easy to forget how little and innocent they are at times but so important to remember how influential our words and emotions are to them 🙂

    • Thank you. It is so easy to think of them as older and think they should know better. Then you step back and realize no they are just children. 🙂

  2. Beth Sheridan @sugarcoatedsheridans on said:

    Before I had my baby boy, I was the most impatient person in the world, and I’m still not the most patient by any means, but he has taught me that very quote you have listed above. I know he’s precious and innocent and I know that he is going to try me, but I love that right now, I’m his world. And knowing that very thing makes me want to be the most perfect Mommy for him that I can be 🙂

    • Being a mom definitely makes you more patient. I feel as though I became a better person since becoming a mom. My girls have taught me so much. 🙂

  3. Melissa @ Fit 'n' Well Mommy on said:

    Love this! It is so true that how we talk to our children shapes their inner voice. There are plenty of times when I want to scream, but I always try to stop and collect myself first, and then respond in a calm manner, instead of reacting. It makes so much of a difference.

    A quote I try to live by is “Live life to the fullest; every, every day.” I am trying to do a better job of this because the time goes by way too fast. Keenan is already becoming such a big boy and I want to make sure and cherish each and every moment (good or bad)!

    • Thank you!!! I love that quote and you are so right. I sometimes forget to live in the moment, but it is so important to do so or our children will grow up without us even knowing. I am going to incorporate that quote into my daily thinking too. Thank you!!


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