Today’s Workout

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We are going to go to the gym again today. Wow, two days in a row. YAY! I absolutely love the class today, if you have been reading this blog for awhile, you already know that. The class is called Fitness Mania, which is basically a bootcamp class and it kicks your booty. 🙂 It is a fantastic mix between cardio and weights.

If you would like to do a bootcamp style workout at home I have a new combination for you:

Bootcamp Style – Strength plus Cardio

Eye’s On Fire Workout – 8 minutes

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred – 25 minutes

Pop Sculpt: Total Body – 15 minutes

Sexy Sweat – – 5 minutes

This is a tough one. Take your time. You can do them as many or as few of these videos. To get an intense workout try to do all of them. Enjoy!

*If you don’t have the same equipment as used in the videos no big deal. Either don’t use any or you can improvise. I don’t have all of the weighted bags and balls in the bodyrock workouts so I use hand weights or body weight instead.

Have a wonderful Friday!

2 comments on “Today’s Workout”

  1. Giselle@myhealthyhappyhome on said:

    I love this! I’ll often do workouts at home that leave me needing more. However, when I do a bootcamp, spin or bodypump class, I feel complete! Putting them together like this is such a great idea! Thanks!

    • Thank you. I feel exactly the same way. I love being able to get an intense workout at home and doing it this way I never get bored. 🙂