Thinking Out Loud Thursday # 8

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Thinking Out Loud Thursday # 8

Whoo hoo it’s almost Friday. You don’t even know how excited I am for tomorrow. I will share the details in a minute. Since, it’s Thursday it’s time for some thinking out loud. As always, thank you Amanda for hosting.

Thinking-Out-Loud (2)

1. Steve and I are getting away for one night and I can’t wait. I am not sure what I am more excited about spending time with Steve or sleeping through the night. We are going to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, J. Alexander’s, but before meeting Steve for dinner I am actually going to go shopping all by myself. Yes, I am so excited. I can’t tell you enough. After dinner and shopping we are going to go back to my parents house (they will be at our house with the girls, we are house swapping) to sleep and enjoy the rest of the evening. The next morning we will go to breakfast and then I will finally get to see Divergent!! I read all three books and have been wanting to see this movie since I heard they were making one.

2. I have to admit as much as I am looking forward to our night away, but I am going to miss my girls I always do. However, I love coming home from some time away; I feel so refreshed and ready to get right back into the mom role.

3. We are so thankful to my parents for taking on the craziness of all four girls throughout the night. I am telling you it can be a long night. You never know what you are going to get. When you have four little ones someone is bound to have a rough night. We seriously, can’t thank them enough.

4. Isabella has been saying the cutest things these days. The other day Daddy told her not to keep the water running while she brushed her teeth because it cost money. So, the next night when she turned the water on, it was coming out fast, she looks at Daddy and says “there goes all your money real fast”. The things she remembers.

5. McKenzie has started standing up without holding on to anything; she is getting really good at it. One of these days she is going to take a step; I am not so sure I am ready for it.

6. We are going to have family pictures taken in June, like we always do, now I need to figure out what we are all going to wear. I always get so stressed around family picture time. I just want them to be perfect. We only take them twice a year and I love looking at how our family has grown.

7. I have figured out my may fitness plans and am loving what I decided upon. I will share all the details with you tomorrow.

8. I can’t believe today is May 1st. Where did April go? However, the weather here is making me quite nervous. I will be so sad if we have a cold summer. We missed out on summer last year, with the birth of the babies, I am looking forward to lots of swimming and playing outside this year.

9. I love listening to Sophia and Isabella sing all the songs from Frozen. Their voices are the sweetest.

10. Sophia and Isabella pretended they were at the movies with Mimi and Papa.

Mimi and Papa are Mickey and Minnie.

think 7 - girls

We had a jammie day today, may favorite!!

In the Comments Below:

  1. What is on your mind?
  2. Any suggestions for outfits for our family pictures?

2 comments on “Thinking Out Loud Thursday # 8

  1. Wooo hooo for a night out! A friend offered to baby sit our little one for a few hours, not sure if I’m ready yet 🙂

    • I know it is so tough leaving your little one. I still have a hard time and my oldest is four!! 🙂


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