Oh my, this week is almost over and what a week it has been. We have seriously had something to do every day and with four little ones that is not easy. I am ready for school to end and summer vacation to begin.
1. McKenzie and McKayla are 11 months old. Wow!! I have no idea where the time has gone. Our precious babies are going to be 1 in no time. I will write an 11 month post ASAP; I will try not to be 2 weeks behind like last month.
2. Well, I took McKenzie and McKayla to the ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor) and it was not good news. McKenzie still has fluid in her right ear and McKayla still has fluid in both of her ears. This means they have had this fluid for at least 2 months; their ears are not draining. So, the doctor recommends tubes and I am just so stuck. I feel awful for them because they have not felt well since January and I want to make it all go away. Steve has no question that this is the direction we need to go, but I just don’t know. I mean deep down I know its what we need to do, but it is just difficult. I don’t want my babies to go into surgery no matter how quick (our doctor told us it is a 6 minute procedure) it is going to take.
3. Since, we had such a busy week we are not going to the gym tomorrow. As much as I love going we need a day where we don’t have anything planned. I know Sophia is worn down and so am I. It is supposed to be a beautiful day; hopefully we can go for a walk and simply enjoy life.
4. My eating has been perfectly on par lately and I love the way I feel. However, for some reason today I didn’t have the best day of eating and I am definitely feeling it. I know it’s only one day and I will be back on track tomorrow. No big deal. The worst thing we can do for ourselves is let a slip up ruin all our healthy efforts.
5. McKayla and I have been loving our egg and sausage muffins. We still on the floor and eat them for an afternoon snack; I love our picnics together.
6. McKayla is finally starting to eat more. For the past few days she has actually eaten 3 solid meals; that makes me one happy Mama.
7. We put all our girls down early tonight; they were all in their beds by 7pm and asleep by 7:30pm; it was amazing. I love early bedtimes. They were tired from all our outside play time.
8. I love to get my girls outside as much as possible, but with two babies it can be difficult. My solution is setting up a pool on our deck; this way I can monitor McKenzie and McKayla inside and Sophia and Isabella outside. I always begin our outside time during nap time, but one of the babies is bound to wake up and this way I don’t have to bring everyone inside or get the babies all dressed for outside. It is a win-win for everyone.
9. I am loving my June workout calendars. Like last month I am combining the blogilates June calendar and a 30 Bodyrock challenge – catching fire. I look forward to my workouts and that is what matters. Remember loving your workout means you will do your workout and consistency is key.
10. I went and got a mystic tan this evening. I haven’t gotten one of these in such a long time. The last few times I have gotten a sunless tan was a spray tan applied by a technician. This time I went and stood in a booth and it sprayed me. I haven’t decided if I liked it as well as the spray tan by a technician, I will let you know. I have to tell you I was so surprised by how many people still go to tanning salons and don’t get a sunless tan. I was floored. I mean I admit I was one of those girls who did it in high school and college and though I was invisible, but no more. I haven’t been in a tanning bed in at least 8 years and I will never get in one again. Not only do I have the fear of skin cancer I don’t want wrinkles. I have already started to see lines in my forehead and I hate them. No tanning for me.
Thank you Amanda for Thinking Out Loud. I love me day to get everything off my mind.
In the Comments Below:
- Your turn. Tell me what’s on your mind.
- What is your opinion on tanning beds?
- Do you get spray tans? Mystic or technician?
i PROMISE you the tube surgery is quick and easy. I know it’s not easy to deal with your babies being under anesthesia, but they will feel so much better almost immediately!
Thank you for all your support I really appreciate it.
I planned out all my workouts this week and on paper it seemed perfect. But I also felt my little one needed a day just at home relaxing and so we did. Loved it!!
It is so much easier when you have a schedule for your workouts. Nothing is ever set in stone with kids. You have to figure what is best for you and your family.