Good evening everyone. Today we are going to try something new and I am so excited. I am linking up with Amanda over at Running with Spoons for Thinking Out Loud Thursday. Head on over to her blog to find out what it’s all about.
1. Where did this week go. Seriously, it flew by. I don’t know how Thursday has already come and gone.
2. While we were in Florida my mom told me that Ade (my sister) and I look alike. I am not going to lie I loved it. She is beautiful!!
3. I have always known that Isabella is a Mama’s girl, but lately it has been a little over the top. I think it is because she isn’t feeling well, but man oh man it has been crazy. Okay, secretly I love it. When you ask her if she wants to go to school like sissy, Isabella says, “no I want to be with Mama”. Yes, that melts my heart. I know she has to grow up someday, but just not today.
4. Have I told you lately how over winter I am? I seriously can’t take it any more. It has been cold and snowy for far too long. Some days I dream of moving to Florida and being a princess at Disney. Ha!! Did I just say that out loud?
5. We had our first parent teacher conferences with Sophia’s teachers and I have to say I am one proud Mama. I really felt like wow we must be doing something right. Her teachers had only good things to say about our Sophia. Not only is she doing well with her letters, number, shapes, etc. she is a good person. They told us she is kind to everyone and is very empathetic. I have always known she is a sweet little girl, but it is so nice to hear it from someone outside our family. I am not going to lie hearing how sweet she is meant even more to me then how smart she is; her heart is so important to me. I can’t believe she is going to be going to kindergarten in no time. It makes me so sad just to think about it.
6. I am so excited for this weekend. My cousins from Chicago are coming into town and I can’t wait to spend it with all of them. We always have so much fun!!
7. Lately, I have been feeling a little sad that I am never going to be pregnant again. I am never going to give birth again and hold my sweet newborn baby again. I seriously, don’t know how I get over that. It is so hard to think about. But I know in my heart our family is complete.
My last picture before McKenzie and McKayla were born.
Seriously, that makes me teary eyed. I know pregnancy, and birth aren’t amazing for everyone, but I loved it all. Yes, my twin pregnancy was rough, but there is still nothing like carrying your own child. Okay, I am done being emotional; sorry.
8. I can’t believe I am participating in my first ever GIVEAWAY – details coming tomorrow!! Here’s a little hint and no I am not auctioning off my brother.
Well, that’s all for now. I will talk to you tomorrow and give you all the giveaway details.
In the Comments Below:
- Your turn. Share what is on your mind.
Omigoodness… your family is absolutely gorgeous… and what your little girl said about you is just too precious
And… confession… the last time I went to Disneyland, I was totally thinking how awesome it would be to be a princess
I’ve actually known people who’ve done it and they said it was seriously a great job.
Oh thank you!! It seriously made my day. Being a princess seems magical. Ha!! Maybe in my future life.
I love being pregnant and giving birth, too! My husband and I have been talking that now that we have a boy and a girl, maybe we should be done. Like you, it makes me sad to think that Mirella could be my last baby. Though I feel that my family is now complete, I’m not sure I’m ready to not be pregnant again. We’ll see what life has in store once Mirella gets older….
It is crazy to feel complete yet not wanting to be done being pregnant. It is so hard to explain.
Yes, who knows what the future holds!!