Thinking Out Loud # 78

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Thinking Out Loud # 78

Thinking-Out-Loud (3)

  1. Tuesday was hat day at Isabella’s school; everyone had to get in on it. I suggested Isabella’s Tinkerbell hat (that actually fits her), but she insisted on wearing her hat from Papa (my girls just love their Papa) and I must admit she looked adorable.think - isabella hat day think - isabella hat day too big think - mckenzie hat day think - mckayla hat
  2. They love their Mimi too.think - mimi girls
  3. Lately, I’ve been killing it in the workout department and loving it; muscle soreness is the best. I love that my workouts are never boring; they have the perfect mix of Pilates, weights, and HIIT. I have been combining Pop Pilates videos with Bodyrock ones; this combo is AMAZING. Oh and we can’t forget my little workout buddies; they are too cute. McKayla and McKenzie are not always easy to workout with (Sometimes I have to pause the video a million times “pause video Mommy”.), but they oh so adorable and definitely keep my workouts interesting.think - weights mckenzie mckayla think - weights mckenzie mckayla 2 think - weights mckenzie mckayla 3 think - weights mckenzie mckayla 5
  4. Yesterday, was World Prematurity Awareness Day and boy did it bring back memories. Actually, a day doesn’t go by that I don’t think about the moment we had to leave the hospital without our babies. I can’t even begin to tell you how awful I felt that day. Never in a million years did I think we would have a baby or two, for that matter, in the NICU. Never did I think we would leave the hospital without our sweet babies. But, God has given us four healthy, beautiful girls and we couldn’t ask for anything more.think - world prematurity day college
  5. In case you missed it I posted my new Nut Free Paleo Granola Recipe and it is amazing. But, beware it is addicting; McKayla and I can’t get enough of it.
  6. This weekend we are cutting down our Christmas tree and we can’t wait!! I am so excited to finally put up all our decorating; my girls are going to have so much fun and when they are happy I am and happy. See the smiles on the faces is all I need. This really is one of the most wonderful times of the year.

Christmas Tree 2014

think - 2014 christmas tree

{I’m linking up with Amanda – Thursday’s are for Thinking Out Loud}

In the Comments Below:

  1. I’d love to hear what is on your mind.

4 comments on “Thinking Out Loud # 78

  1. I miss you detailing your workout routine – it gave me some new ideas! I mostly use but tried the Blogilates 1000 squat challenge after you listed it – killer!!

    • I’m sorry. I will get a post out ASAP. I guess it just got away from me. 🙂 I do love reading what other people are doing for their workouts; it helps motivate me. Oh my goodness the 1000 squat challenge is brutal, but AMAZING!! I’m glad you like it.

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