Thinking Out Loud # 63

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Thinking-Out-Loud (3)

1. Getting home from a vacation is all work and no play; well it should be. I feel like there is just not enough time in my day to get all the laundry and organizing done that needs to be done. Ahhh!!

2. Even though I have so much work to do, we went to the pool two days in a row. Perfection!! The work can wait.

3. McKenzie and McKayla had their best pool day yet. (I am going to work on creating a YouTube channel to share all of our funny family moments. I am getting better at remembering to video tape my girls; they won’t be little for long and I want to capture all these moments. I never want to forget my girls at these ages or any age for that matter.)

4. I decided for my workouts this week I would simply go back to my trusty Blogilates monthly calendar. I am not sure what I which fitness regimen I want to get into next, but Cassey never disappoints. Once, I figure out my what I am going to do next; whether it be a new set of videos or more online workouts I will let you know.

5. I am so excited to be home this weekend and have NO plans. I can’t wait to spend it with my family. Steve and I definitely have our work cut out for us, getting our house together, but hopefully we can still have lots of fun family time.

6. I love our neighbors. Seriously, love them. Enough said!!

7. I still have so much to share with you about our vacation, but I will get back to that soon. I thought I would do a typical Thinking Out Loud post today and it felt good to be back at my normal routine.

8. It feels great to be back into my clean eating habit this week. My body just feels so much better when I am eating healthier. On our trip I definitely ate a few more sweets then I normally do; which I must admit felt great for a few days, but always catches up with me.

9. I can’t wait to tell you about the rest of our vacation; it truly was an amazing trip.

10. My phone got wet again. Yes, it has now gotten wet twice in less then a month two weeks and wouldn’t you guess by sippy cups nonetheless. Seriously, I feel like the PERFECT sippy cup doesn’t exist. Not one of our sippy cups is 100% leak free (some are okay, but none are perfect); I feel like they all leak at one point or another. Sorry about my sippy cup rant, but these leaky sippy cups are killing my phone. Hopefully, it will be dried out by the morning. I can’t stand not having a working phone.

{Today, I’m linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud}

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