MIMM # 112 – A Day at Denver Zoo

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MIMM # 112 – A Day at Denver Zoo

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Marvelous is looking back at all our pictures smiling. While on vacation McKayla and McKenzie were a little clingy (I’m sure it had to do with all the new places and people, but it can make for some rough moments). So, I love being able to see how much fun we all had; we truly had the best time, it was a marvelous family vacation.

{Today, I’m linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday}

While we were in Denver we spent a day at the zoo and it was so much fun. It was raining, quite hard at times, but that didn’t stop us. My girls love being out doors, enjoying life and that’s what we all did.

Elephants are Sophia’s favorite animal (at the moment) and boy did the Denver Zoo have elephants; 10 acres full to be exact. We loved watching them interact, eat, walk, etc.

denver - zoo twins holding hands denver - zoo twins holding hands 2 denver - zoo elephant denver - zoo elephant 2 denver - zoo sophia denver - zoo mckenzie daddy denver - zoo mckayla papa denver - zoo isabella

denver - zoo twins holding hands 3

and of course another carousel ride.

denver - zoo isabella mckenzie carousel denver - zoo isabella mckenzie carousel 2 denver - zoo sophia mckayla carousel

The zoo is one of our favorite places to visit. I can’t wait to take the girls to our zoo one of these days.


5 comments on “MIMM # 112 – A Day at Denver Zoo

  1. Your girls holding hands is too cute!!! I seriously about tear up every time I see my twin girls do the same.

  2. Love how the twins are holding hands! So cute.

    • Thank you!! It melts my heart every time. I love watching their beautiful connection blossom more each day. 🙂


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