{Linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud}
1. Oh my, I can’t believe we leave tomorrow for Colorado!! Seriously, how is our trip already here?! I am so excited yet, so nervous I am going to forget something. But, I must say this is the has been the easiest trip to pack for since Sophia was born. I realized that in the past few years if we traveled we always had a baby or two tagging along. Which made for lots of little extras. Now we have little girls and big girls. Wow, so much easier; at least the packing part. We will see how the plane ride goes. For now life is good!!
2. Michigan weather was finally beautiful again today, so we went to the pool and had so much fun. McKenzie and McKayla actually went into the pool; this was Mckayla’s first time really getting in the water. Whoo hoo!! Love my girls.
3. I may be the worst packer EVER. Seriously, I have no idea what I have packed and I will probably not even wear half of it, but what are you going to do about it.
4. This past weekend Mimi and I took Sophia and Isabella to a carnival and it was a blast. The girls are still talking about it and can’t wait to back again next year.
5. Sophia has her gymnastics “Olympics” on Monday evening and she was amazing. I love watching my girls show off their skills.
6. Okay, I am way too calm for the eve before we leave. We will see if this calmness carries over to tomorrow afternoon.
7. We had our family pictures on Saturday and the sneaks peeks are AMAZING!! I have no idea how to was able to take so many beautiful pictures. Trust me getting 6 people, including 4 little ones to take a good picture at the same time is not easy. Pictures taken by Erin Werner.
8. I am not sure what my blogging will be like while on vacation, but I will definitely be able to check in on facebook. Make sure you head on over and like my page to stay up to date. I can’t wait to share all the details of our trip and the WEDDING with you!! Talk to you soon.
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me what is on your mind.
Gorgeous family pictures!!!
Thank you.