Thinking Out Loud # 55

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Thinking Out Loud # 55

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1. This was our last week of dance classes for the year. Let me tell you I am ready for a break from all our activities. But I know next week is going to be our busiest dance week of the year. We have a parents meeting on Monday, rehearsal Tuesday and Thursday, then the recital Friday and Saturday. Wow!! What a week, but I must admit I love it ALL!! Yes, I am one of those crazy dance moms (Okay, not crazy like the ones you see on TV, just crazy as in I love it all). I danced all throughout my childhood and I love everything about performing. So, I am excited for our week of craziness.

2. This week we found out my name did not get picked to chaperone Sophia’s Nature Center field trip. The moment we walked into the house Tuesday afternoon Sophia just started bawling. She then proceeded to tell me that my name didn’t get picked out of the hat to chaperone . She was a mess. And of course I began to cry; I just felt awful for her and there was nothing I could say or do to make her feel better. As a mom you always want to fix things, help your child, make the hurt disappear, but I couldn’t/can’t fix this. I simply can’t change the fact that I didn’t get chosen for the field trip, but boy do I feel awful. I told Sophia that I will still be in her classroom every week and that won’t change. I told her she will have fun with her friends. I really didn’t know what to say because I was very sad too. I really wanted to have this experience with her and apart of my feels cheated. I guess this is a great lesson for all of us. My girls are growing up and I simply won’t be able to be there for everything. I am just not sure I am ready for this.

3. Yesterday, was muffins with mom at Sophia’s school. Have I told you how much I love spending time with my girls? These are the moments we will remember forever.

think - muffins with mom 2015

4. Oh my goodness, I turn 30 in a couple of weeks. Yes, 30!! It’s crazy. I am actually very excited for this next decade of my life.

5. I had bunco with the ladies from my subdivision tonight and it was a blast, as usual. It’s been a couple of months so we all had so much catching up to do, hence the very late post. I started this post earlier just never got a chance to finish it. I love my night out!!

6. McKayla and McKenzie were being silly this morning. They think they are baby dolls.

think - doll crib mckenzie think - doll crib mckayla

{Linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud}

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