Thinking Out Loud #50

Home / Thinking Out Loud Thursday / Thinking Out Loud #50

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{Linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud}

1. Well, I went to the doctor yesterday and I have pneumonia. I must say pneumonia is no joke. I feel awful. I can’t believe how sick I have been this year. Seriously, something has to change. The biggest thing that will help is when we get to consistently sleep through the night. Between McKenzie and McKayla someone is always waking up.

2. I am sorry I haven’t posted in a few days, I just haven’t had the energy to do anything and I am still barely hanging on.

3. Tonight during prayers Sophia asked God to make me healthy. Sophia and Isabella have been amazing while I haven’t been feeling well. They have been so helpful these past few days.

3. I hate taking days off working out, but I know it’s the best thing for me to get better. I truly love my workouts. I talked to my doctor today and she wanted to make sure I was getting adequate rest. She told me I need to take it easy for a couple weeks, even after I was feeling better. Basically, I may not be able to get back to my routine for a few weeks now and I am not sure how I am handle it.

4. I know I say this a lot, but I seriously don’t know what we would do without my mom. She has been here helping me since I got sick and it’s amazing. I can’t even begin to thank her for everything she does for us. Seriously, today I slept ALL day. Yes, she took care of everything. I just don’t know how she does it. She is one AMAING person. One day I hope I can repay her for everything she has done for us.

5. We finally got a new couch in our playroom and it is so much better. I love the clean streamline look of this couch. One of these days I will take a picture; I just don’t have to energy right now.

6. Spring break starts tomorrow for us and I am so ready to have a week of nothing on our schedule.

7. Okay I am already exhausted so I am going to bed. Yes, I slept all day, but I just can’t keep my eyes open.

In the Comments Below:

  1. Tell me what is on your mind.

6 comments on “Thinking Out Loud #50

  1. Awww. Your little girls are really sweet. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Praying you get better soon!!

  3. Oh no, hope you already feel better!!


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