1. I am in love with the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts. I love that they are only 30 minutes and I still feel sore the next day. They definitely don’t lack in intensity. I am still in love with the eating plan. The simplicity is wonderful; it really is a no brainer. I can’t believe how many more grams of protein I have eaten since starting this plan and seriously the amount of veggies I have added in is crazy!!
2. I was in charge of Sophia’s school Valentine’s Day party today and I was a little nervous, but so excited. Everything went prefect. I was so happy how it turned out and I am so glad I volunteered to do it. Yes, it is a lot of work and yes it is time consuming, but it was all worth it; especially when Sophia thanked me for planning her party. Our Sophia is amazing. Sophia also made sure that Isabella came to her party and watching the two of them together is a beautiful thing.
3. Yesterday, while I was helping out in Sophia’s class (yes, I am there A LOT) another kindergarten teacher came up to me to tell me that Sophia is as sweet as can be. She told me that she is an amazing little girl and I should be proud. Wow, hearing those words are the best. This is what being a mom is all about.
4. For Valentine’s Day tomorrow we have a special afternoon planned for out girls. They have been asking for months, maybe years to go to this place called Jeepers at a mall by our house and we are finally going to take them there. They have no idea and are going to be so happy. I can’t wait to see their faces when we arrive. Spending our Valentine’s Day with my family is my perfect day.
Thank you Amanda for hosting.
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me what is on your mind.
- Do you have any special plans for Valentine’s Day?
My kids LOVE Jeepers- your girls will have a blast!
Have a fantastic weekend