- Mimi as been home for just over a week now and we are so happy to have her back. It doesn’t get much better then that. Since, coming home we have been so blessed to have her back. Oh how we’ve missed our Mimi.
- I am loving counting marcos. I feel as though I am eating way more food then ever, but in reality I don’t think I am. My calories range from 1300-1900; for the most part I average around 1800 calories. But, I am eating whole foods, a lot of protein, and of course carbs and fats too. All of these make for a balanced diet which keeps you feeling full all day long. I haven’t had any cravings since I started counting macros because if I want something I simply make it fit. If it doesn’t fit in one day I can make sure to make it fit the next. Easy as that. This way a thinking is great form some with a past of disordered eating. I love that no food is off limits.
- My sweet Sophia, how I love you. She can drive me crazy at times, but then she does stuff like this:
- How does she sleep like this? Seriously, this is how we found McKayla one night, sound asleep.
- I can’t believe we leave tomorrow to meet our new little niece Maizy Lynne. I am beyond excited. I actually have a million emotions (all good of course), I just can’t explain how happy I am to see my brother, sister-in-law, and goddaughter. Lots of hugs and kiss are on it’s way for this auntie. My sweet little girl. Auntie loves you.
- On the same note I am going to miss my girls like crazy. I don’t leave them very often and this time I am going to be away for three days. They are all a little sad too, but extremely excited to spend the weekend with Mimi and Papa. Isabella told me it’s just not going to be the same without you here. Sophia said I am just going to miss you and your snuggles. My girls. McKayla and McKenzie just can’t wait to be with Mimi and Papa. They are going to have so much fun, I can’t wait to hear all about it.