Oh my, I can’t believe Thursday has come and gone. June is almost over; really? Where does time go. Well it is time to think out loud. As always thank you Jenn for hosting.
1. We have a walker on our hands. McKenzie has started to walk just about everywhere. She can take about 8-10 steps before falling down. It is the cutest thing. McKayla does not seem as into try to walk as her sister. We will see.
2. I started a new business venture. I am so excited yet nervous at the same time. I will fill you in next week. I seriously, think I might have lost my mind, but you have to be a little crazy to have four daughters. Haha!!
3. Sophia had her last gymnastics class for the year. It was a mock Olympics and we all went to watch. She received a metal and a certificate she loves it. She told me this was the first of many. Oh my!!
4. I want you to know I appreciate all your comments and emails and I promise I will get back to you. Sometimes it just takes me a little bit. Life is crazy.
5. McKenzie and McKayla have slept amazingly well these last couple nights. I feel like a new women. Once their medicine started kicking in and they started to feel better their nights have gotten so much better. I hate that they have been on so much medicine these past 6 months; I think this was my sign that tube are the right way to go. I just want them to be healthy and happy.
6. McKayla is not a great eater and I hate it. Yes, I hate to use the word hate. But in this case it’s the truth. We struggle getting McKayla to eat. However, I must say tonight she ate turkey and hummus. Whoo hoo!!
7. We have another fun weekend planned. I can’t wait. Friday we are spending the day at my parents house and they going to their country club for dinner and fireworks. This is one of our favorite nights of the year.
8. Sophia’s 5th birthday is on Monday. Wow, I can’t believe my baby is going to be 5 and go to kindergarten in September.
In the Comments Below:
- What is on your mind?
I look forward to hearing about your new business venture! Have a great weekend!
Thank you!!
So glad you and the girls are doing so well!!! Can’t wait to hear all about your biz venture. Could it be Rodan & Fields?? I just started doing that
So much fun, I love it so far!
Thank you. I am loving Rodan & Fields. The products are amazing.
Can’t wait to hear about your business adventure!