Wow, I haven’t done a Ten Things Tuesday in a while. It feels good to be back.
Ten Things I Do Try to Do Everyday
1. Pray. I thank God every day for the wonderful life I lead. I know I am so blessed to have this life.
2. Exercise, in some form. Well, I guess I don’t do this everyday, but at least 4-6 times a week. It just makes me feel good. And taking care of myself has become so much more important since becoming a mom.
3. Talk to my mom. Ok, I do this way more than once a day, but this truly keeps me feeling good about who I am as a person. She helps me get through those tough days and the good ones of course.

4. Relax. Of course, this doesn’t happen until the girls go to bed. But I truly try to relax every evening even if it is only for a few minutes.
5. Drink water. Lately, I have really tried to up the amount of water I am taking in. I was noticing I was getting quite a few of headaches on intense workout days and realized I wasn’t drinking enough water.
6. Weigh myself. Yes, I weigh myself daily. I feel like it keeps my in check. If for some reason I am up a few pounds I know I just need to clean up my diet a little more.
7. Measure/Weigh my food. I know this one sounds silly, but it really keeps me sane. Since, I have had my fair share of difficultly in the disordered eating category, this one really helps me feel grounded. It makes me feel more better about eating those two helpings of chips; then I know it was only two helpings.

8. Laundry. I know this one is not a fun one, but someone has to do it.
9. Snuggle, even if only for a few minutes. My girls and I love our snuggle time.
10. Talk to my husband about his day and make sure he knows we are proud of him and how blessed we are to have in in our lives. I truly try to tell Steve how much he means to me everyday.

What are some things you do everyday?
I do many of the same things daily! Including weigh myself which some people think is crazy but like you said, it helps keep you in check. It has really helped me learn about my cycle too. TMI but I never really understood when I was ovulating but now I know when I’m a few pounds heavier in the middle of the month, that’s when!
I do many of the same thins you do every day. I would add getting up early to read my Bible and plan the day. I’m a morning person, so I like to wake up first, make my coffee, and get the day off to a good start in a quiet house.
I have three girls, so I appreciate snuggle time like you. Your girls are so cute!
Found you on Top 10 Tuesdays.
Oh that’s a wonderful routine. I love waking up before everyone else; it’s the only time the house it quite.
It is a great way to start the day. I am so glad you stopped by. Look forward to getting to know you.
Thank you my girls are my life.
What a great topic for Top Ten Tuesday – glad to have your linking up.
I’m glad I’m not the only one talking to my Mom once (or more!) every day.
Thank you for hosting this link up. Mom’s are the best.