Good evening everyone. I hope you are having a wonderful week thus far. Today, we had a much needed family day, Steve took the day off to spend it with all of his girls. It’s time for What I Ate Wednesday. Instead of talking about my usual day of food I thought I would take a...
Tag: exercise
Today’s Workout – Victoria’s Secret Style
Good morning everyone. I got up nice and early to get my workout in before the day began. We have just been so busy lately this is the best time to exercise. It’s also a great way to start the day! In honor of the Victoria’s Secret fashion show last night I decided to do...
Reasons to Lift Weights
If you have been keeping up with my workouts, you will notice that I love lifting weights. I have not always had this mindset, but over the past few years I have noticed my body change much more from lifting weights than cardio. I also learned that since I love weight training, I love working...
Upper Body/Cardio Combo
So, today was one of my early morning workout days. I got up before the girls so I could do my workout. I had all these intentions of adding pictures to my post today, but my laptop has crashed. So I am using Steve’s computer and I don’t have the same capabilities. I am sorry,...