Sophia’s First Day of Preschool

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Sophia’s First Day of Preschool

Preschool - Sophia love

Oh my Sophia, what can I say. The day you came into our lives we learned how to love on a whole different level. You bring joy to our lives everyday.

I can’t believe you are already going to preschool, I feel like you were just learning to walk. I don’t know where the time has gone.

I am so excited for you to begin your school years. Going to school is so exciting. You will do amazing. You will be a wonderful student. You are going to make so many terrific friends.

You are my little helper and friend.Β I always think about what you are doing while you are away andΒ I look forward to hearing about your day everyday!!

I love you.

Preschool - Sophia and Mommy

Sophia’s First Day:

She woke up at 7:00 ready to start the day. We ate a nice big pancake breakfast; Sophia’s request. We packed up her backpack and got dressed. Then of course we had to have a photo session, then it was time to leave. And let me tell you she asked every few minutes if it was time for school yet. She couldn’t wait any longer.

Preschool - Sophia and Bella Preschool - Sophia and Daddy Preschool - Family minus babies Preschool - Sophia and Bella 2

When we arrived at school we put her unloaded her backpack and put it in her locker then waited for her door to open. She was seriously jumping up and down asking when she could go in. Her excitement truly helped me feel much better about her going to school all day. I was able to hold back tears until I got into the car. It was bittersweet. I definitely missed her but I was so excited for her. Seeing her excitement let me know we made the right decision on sending her two full days. I know she is ready for this phase of her life. I am just not sure I am completely there, but I will get there!!

I arrived home to my three little ones. Wow! What a difference. Our house had a completely feel to it. It was quiet; something I haven’t known in years. As the day went on I continued to think about what and how Sophia was doing. It was so strange not knowing. As the day started to come to an end I was ready to get a big hug. I couldn’t wait to see her. When I arrived at her school before 4:00, of course, they were eating there snack and she was happy. πŸ™‚ Happy from her first day of school, happy to see me, and happy to know she gets to come back to school every week, twice a week!!

4 comments on “Sophia’s First Day of Preschool

  1. Awe, super cute photos! Glad she had a great first day!

  2. What a beautiful family you have! So glad Sophia’s first day of preschool went well. πŸ™‚ xoxo


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