Yes, we have been hit by a terrible virus, so basically I have been out of commission from anything other then taking care of sick kids. It all started with me getting sick late Wednesday afternoon, followed by Sophia getting sick on Friday, then McKayla on Saturday, McKenzie Sunday morning and Isabella that same afternoon. Wow!! Yes, it has gone through out house like wildfire. But it is definitely not gone yet. This virus lasts forever. I am still fighting it off and Sophia is not well either. Isabella is one of our most difficult to watch with an illness like this, one with such a high fever.
Isabella has febrile seizures; seizures caused by a spike in body temperature. From a medical standpoint these are not dangerous; unless of course they are standing or sitting in a dangerous place to fall. These seizure are typically harmless and they will grow out of them by age 5, but man can they scare you. Holding your child while experiencing one is awful; you feel helpless. Last night I held her for such a long time just listening to her breath and praying that she would feel better soon. Our poor baby. One of the worst parts of the entire thing is that Isabella refuses to take medicine. We literally have to beg, plead and force her to take anything and even then it doesn’t always work. These past few days have been awful. And anyone that knows Isabella knows that she is seriously one of the sweetest little girls and this behavior is the complete opposite of who she is on an everyday basis.
Luckily, McKenzie and McKayla seem to have gotten a more mild form of the virus whereas Sophia, Isabella, and myself definitely did not get any breaks. I was probably one of the worst. Yes, I am still fighting it; I just can’t seem to get rid of it completely. My fever has finally broke, but it took SIX days. I am sure part of that was because once I got sick then the girls got sick, which means no sleep and no time to recover and get healthy. At this point I feel as though this virus is going to linger forever. The cough is just hanging around.
Low and behold I HATE all my girls being sick, but the extra snuggles are AMAZING!!
I must say Sophia is a sleepy little sick girl. She likes to sleep when she isn’t feeling well and that’s my kind of girl.
McKayla and McKenzie are extra cuddly and love to be held. I am so grateful they were sick over the weekend; while Daddy was home to help.
And yes, somehow Daddy has managed to escape it all together. I think it was a blessing in disguise I was home all by myself Wednesday and Thursday (I mean no other adults were with me; plenty of kids). Yes, those days were awfully difficult for me, since I was sick and taking care of four kids, but at least no one else got sick. I don’t wish this upon anyone. Wow, the things us moms and wives do for our families.
Well, I am going to bed to continue to fight this and besides I have a sick Isabella snuggling me right now so typing one handed is not easy.
In the Comments Below:
- What do you do to keep your family sick-free?
- Any advice on getting kids to take medicine? We have never had this problem before.