My Girls are All a Year Older – Sophia turned 13, Isabella turned 11, and McKayla and McKenzie turned 9

My Girls are All a Year Older – Sophia turned 13, Isabella turned 11, and McKayla and McKenzie turned 9

I know every parent says this from time to time, but really where does the time go? I cannot believe 13 years ago I became a mom and every two years after that more beautiful girls joined our family. I truly cannot even begin to express to you how much I love our family, how much I love the life we have built.

Sophia is officially a teenager and an amazing teenager at that. I love the women she is becoming. She kind, smart, nurturing and so much more. My Sophia is the ultimate big sister, she would do anything for her sisters or anyone really. She is always taking care of people and always willing help. I love spending time with her.

Isabella has turned 11 and graduated from 5th grade, she is moving on to middle school. I am certainly not ready for her to go to 6th grade, I am not ready to see her leave the comfort of our elementary school. She has such a sweet soul and I fear that the world will harder her heart. Her kindness and compassion are undeniable. She truly doesn’t has a malicious bone in her body. Isabella is a real human being, she is a unicorn.

Oh McKayla, where do I begin? You certainly give me a run for my money each and everyday. You are fierce, yet loving. You are bold, yet quiet. You know what you want and aren’t afraid to fight for it. You are passionate about everything you do. You sensitive, yet strong. My sweet baby you make me a better mom.

McKenzie our youngest. You are the official the baby of the family and you certainly fall right into that category. You are beyond loving. You are strong and confident. I am so proud of who you are becoming. You are loving and giving. You care about everyone you meet. You are helpful to everyone you meet.

McKayla and McKenzie you are true miracle babies. We didn’t know if we would veer get to meet you and look at all you have accomplished in your 9 years.

All of you will change the world someday. Your kind hearts are going to get you far in life. Always remember to be kind, you never know what someone is going through. Always remember that I love you no matter what. There is nothing you can do that will stop me from loving you.

  • You will make mistakes and that’s okay, just remember to pick yourself up and move on .
  • Please know I will always be there to help, no matter what.
  • Try to think things through, see the bigger picture. Ask yourself if something will matter 5-10 years from now and if the answer is no, don’t spend a lot of time on it.
  • NEVER forget your worth. You are are worthy of so much good.
  • Never settle for anything less than the best.
  • YOU ARE HERE FOR A REASON. Find your purpose and live your life.
  • Love, yes just love.

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