actually… they are going to be 19 months TOMORROW!!
McKayla Grace
Height and Weight: 21 pounds 13 ounces and 31 inches. Wow, I can’t believe how much our little 3 pounder has grown; she is our little miracle baby.
Eating: Well, McKayla has good days and bad. She is definitely not the best eater and never has been. The hardest part is some days she loves certain things and the next day she can’t stand them. It’s so frustrating, but what are you going to do about it. Some of her favorite foods are: almond butter (yes, by the spoonful), popcorn, crackers, meatballs dipped in ketchup (don’t ask), actually just about anything dipped in ketchup, sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, grapes, pumpkin protein pancakes, smoothies, yogurt, veggie straws, grilled cheese sandwich, pretzels, Greek yogurt waffles, and fruit and/or veggies food pouches (these are the best when you are on the go). I am always trying new foods, so hopefully one of these days they will click.
Sleeping: Naps – They take one nap a day and have been for a few months now. McKayla and McKenzie go down at about 12pm and sleep anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours. They really have their naps down pat and go down very easily for them. When I say it’s nap time they walk or crawl their way up to their bedroom. McKayla and McKenzie love reading their book and rocking with their mama and their mama loves it too. Night – We are finally getting more and more consistent. Seriously, they have both slept through the night for 3 nights in a row and it’s amazing. For the past few months one or both would wake up 1-2 times a night; usually for a paci. But not these past few days and I feel like a new women.
Yes, we are still wearing our Christmas jammies. Steve and I just think they are too adorable on them. He calls them his little elves.
Clothing: Our little peanut is still wearing 12 months clothing, but I am thinking we might be transitioning into 18 months clothing soon. Hopefully, by summer.
Teeth: McKayla has all of her teeth. Her eye teeth were her last to come in and those came in just a couple weeks ago.
Chatting: McKayla is definitely quieter then McKenzie. She is a pretty even tempered child. McKayla doesn’t get upset very quickly, but when she does watch out. She is silent, but deadly. She may do something wrong, but you will never know it was her. Oh my, we are in trouble. Words McKayla says: Mama, Dada, no, Mimi, Papa, Bella (Belba), Sis, cracker, bowl, cup, up, all done, out, all gone, broke, “Let it Go” (yes whenever she gets a microphone or something like it in her hands she says that line; only in a house of all girls).
McKenzie Madison
Weight and Height: 26 pounds and 32 inches. McKenzie was not even on the charts when she was born, now she is in the 75th percentile.
Eating: She is a fantastic eater. McKenzie can still be very picky, but once she likes something she will eat it like crazy. Her favorite foods are pretty much the same as McKayla’s list of foods.
Sleeping: Naps – Like, McKayla she is a great little napper and sleeps anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours. McKenzie loves her wubbanub and cannot sleep without. Nighttime – She started sleeping without any waking up a few weeks before her sis. McKenzie is a great little sleeper.
Chatting: Our McKenzie is quite the talker. She loves to communicate and when we don’t know what she wants boy does she get angry. McKenzie loves to share her emotions with us; good and bad. She has quite the personality and I love it; most of the time. When she gets excited she starts jumping up and down, marching in circles and smiling. It is the sweetest thing. Just talking about it puts a smile on my face. Words McKenzie says: Mama, Dada, no, Mimi, Papa, Bella (Belba), Sis (McKenzie loves to call McKayla sis; it’s the sweetest thing), cracker, bowl, cup, up, all done, out, all gone, broke, “Let it Go”
Our Favorites Things Lately:
- Giving kisses and hugs; my favorite thing. And when they kiss and hug each other it is AMAZING!!
- Legos
- Mega blocks
- Lincoln Logs – Okay they don’t really play with these, but they love to knock over whatever Isabella and Sophia builds. I swear when we are building I feel as though I am wrangling animals.
- Reading books, especially in their rocking chair.
- Oh the dancing. They love to dance and it’s the cutest thing ever.
- Climbing on everything and anything.
- McKenzie and McKayla love to push the limits. Two heads are better then one.
- Playing with their sisters.
- Getting their nails cut. I know it’s crazy, but I can’t even pull out the nail clippers without the begging to get their nails done. They are going to want manis and pedis ASAP!!
- They love to be held and cuddled. We definitely have two little cuddly girls. Actually, all our girls love to snuggle.
- McKenzie and McKayla are OCD; truly!! They can’t stand when doors are left open, cabinets must be closed, stairs must be gated, hands cannot be sticky, etc. Seriously, is can get quite out of hand at times. It drives Daddy crazy.
- They love to go places. When I say it’s time to go they will get their coats and shoes.
- Dogs – Mimi always brings over Nico and they just love him.
- McKenzie and McKayla are starting to understand just about everything. We can give them directions and they will follow them; most of the time. I can’t believe how much they chance each and everyday.
It has been quite the 18 months, lots of ups and downs, but boy do they bring so much joy to our lives. I can’t wait to watch them grow into amazing little girls. Wow our lives have been forever changed for the better. Our family of 6 is beautiful!!
Thank you Katie for hosting. I love looking at all the wonderful new things my girls are learning.
Hi Renee!
What type of pillows do you use for your girls and when did you start using them? We are 13 months over here – not sure when we should start!
We started using pillows at about 13-14 months. My hubby insisted they would be more comfortable and they do love their pillows. We bought breathable ones form amazon: ClevaMama, ClevaFoam Toddler Pillow –