MIMM # 8 – Baby Essentials

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MIMM # 8 – Baby Essentials

As always, thank you Katie for hosting. I love looking at all the marvelous happenings in my life. It is nice to take a few minutes and focus on the good things in life.


The weather this weekend was absolutely marvelous. It was beautiful. We were able to enjoy playing outside as a family.

This is the beautiful tree I see out my dinning room window. The picture doesn’t do it justice, it is much prettier in person.

Tree - May 2013

Today’s ultrasound and doctors appointment went extremely. Both babies are still looking good and their fluid levels are staying stable. YAY! My OB is thrilled with where we are at at this stage in my pregnancy. We are hopeful to make it to July and possibly 36 weeks. I truly feel marvelous about everything that took place today during my appointments. Hopefully, we continue with all this positive news week after week.

ultrasound - 27w4d Baby A profile

ultrasound - Baby B 27w 4d - profile

Ultrasound - Baby B 27w4d

We couldn’t get a good 3-D picture of Baby A because she kept turning her head. She was being camera shy.

After our wonderful appointments today I am really starting to get excited about meeting our little girls. I have been so afraid of all the different outcomes I haven’t really taken the time to stop and enjoy this time. But I am ready to get our house in order. I have finally begun to make a list of everything we need. Trust me when I say I have simply begun. We already have the car seats, bouncers, swings, bumbos, etc. Once I get my act together I will make a twin list of things to buy.

Here is the start of the list:

  • Full size arms reach with extenders
    Babies R Us
    Babies R Us


  • Over-sized glider and ottoman – I am not sure we are going to get this exact glider and ottoman, but I definitely want something similar. I realize with two babies I am going to be spending a lot of time in it rocking and feeding them.

    Pottery Barn
    Pottery Barn
  • An additional crib –  (I am not too worried about this one, since I know the girls will be sleeping in our room for the first 4 months and then I have been told then will most likely sleep together in one crib until about 6 months.)

    Babies R Us
    Babies R Us
  • An additional highchair –I think I am going to buy one from my girlfriend, but I still have to confirm that. This is similar to the one my girlfriend would give us.

    Babies R Us
    Babies R Us
  • Joovy Twin Roo Car Seat Stroller


Double nursing pillow – I have been looking into this one from a website called Double Blessings.

Double Blessings
Double Blessings


  • Nursing bra – I haven’t decided what I want yet. But I know I want it to be cute. I want a night one and one with an underwire. Once I go to the store and try some on, I will fill you in on what I liked and didn’t like about bras.
  • Nursing pajamas – I had a cute pair with the girls, but they are a few years old so I want a new set. I love to get a pair that I don’t mind people seeing me in. It makes visits so much more comfortable. I haven’t decided on these yet either, but I will let you know what I pick. I have to get to Motherhood ASAP. I like to bring these and my nursing bra to the hospital.

Oh my, this list could go on and on, but I will stop there today. It is marvelous at what babies need. They are so little and innocent, but boy does it take a lot of stuff to make life peaceful. 🙂

Once I finish with what I think are essentials I will make one big list. I know for first time moms it can be overwhelming. Since, this is my 3rd and 4th I am really not stressed because I know in the first few weeks you really don’t need much besides diapers, boobs, bottles, onsies, and a place to sleep (basinet, Arm’s Reach). You don’t even need their room until about 3-4 months. I am much more relaxed about things this time than the first time around.

My advice for first time moms is to not stress things will get done and everything will be okay. You will know what to do and you will be an amazing mom. All you have to do is love your baby with all your heart!

In the Comments Below:

  1. What are some things you would advise me to purchase this time around? Anything you feel is necessary?
  2. Anything I am missing from my first attempt at making a list of needed items?
  3. Any advice for first time moms?

6 comments on “MIMM # 8 – Baby Essentials

  1. Beth Sheridan @sugarcoatedsheridans on said:

    Yay for healthy babies!! I’m so glad that you are able to enjoy your pregnancy a little more now and it’s so exciting to look at all the wonderful things that you will be needing 🙂

    I think that double nursing pillow is the most fantastic thing I’ve ever seen!

    • Thank you!! It is really nice to relax a little bit and get excited. 🙂

      I love that there is a cover attached I think it would make nursing in front of people so much easier.

  2. Katie on said:

    YAY for the babies doing so well! So exciting girl!!

    And amen on the no stress! No need for it!

    I can’t imagine having to buy double of things, babies need so much! As you know!

    Happy week beauty!!

    • Thank you! It truly is a blessing. Yes, stress is no fun.

      It is quite overwhelming. I never ever thought I would be buying for twins. 🙂 AHHH!

      I am so excited your little bundle is coming soon!!

  3. Chrissy on said:


    I stumbled across your blog a month or so ago and have really enjoyed reading your posts about the twins. I am a first time mom expecting boy/girl twins this October! I have also been on bed rest and was a very active person before, so your struggle in that aspect really resonates with me!

    This post certainly caught my attention! All the baby stuff is sooo overwhelming to me and having two to buy for makes it more so! Looking forward to reading more about what you find you need and don’t need two of!


    • Congratulations on having twins. It is quite the adventure. 🙂

      It is so difficult to not be able to do the things you used to do, but I keep trying to tell myself in no time I am going to be crazy busy. That might help you too!

      I can’t imagine being a first time mom trying to buy two of everything. I will definitely make a list of needed things and once the babies arrive I will fill you in on what I really used in the first few months.

      Thank you so much for reading my blog!!