Whoo hoo, summer vacation has officially began. Today was Sophia’s last day of preschool. I can’t believe how fast this year had gone by. And let me tell you it was another sad day when I dropped Sophia off at school. She did not want to leave me; it broke my heart. I am so thankful for her wonderful teacher who immediately told Sophia she needed some snuggles and picked her right up and help her tight. I can’t thank God enough for giving Sophia the most perfect teacher; she made our first year in school amazing. I couldn’t have done it without her.
Since, it is Monday it is time for another Marvelous in My Monday. Thank you Katie.
We had a marvelous weekend. It all began with a pretty relaxing Saturday. Well beside me finishing up our mulch. Yes, our yard work is finally done. Have I told you how much I don’t like to be dirty? Ha!! But I do love being outside and being active. So, it really wasn’t too bad. But I will say I was glad to be finished.
Saturday afternoon our subdivision had a pool party (we have a community pool in our sub). I can’t even begin to tell you what a wonderful time we had; we seriously have the best neighbors. I am so thankful to all those that took the time to get us all together.
I have to tell you how relaxing the pool was. Yes, I used the word relaxing at the pool with four little ones. Sophia and Isabella wore their puddle jumpers and Steve and I held and snuggled McKenzie and McKayla. Sophia and Isabella were in the pool for 3 hours and loved every minute of it. This truly gives me hope that we can have a summer at the pool. I am sorry I didn’t get any pool pictures; it is not easy to take picture with a baby in your arms in the water.
Sunday was a busy day, but a fun day. First we had Sophia’s dance pictures and boy did she love putting her costume on and getting her makeup and hair done. My little diva!!
Later in the afternoon Sophia and I went with Papa (my dad) to his golf club for a junior golf clinic. They taught the kids the proper why to hold a putter and hit the ball. Sophia told me she loved golfing and cannot wait to do it again. I loved watching her, I loved seeing her focus.
After we golfed Sophia, Isabella, and myself spent some time at Mimi and Papa’s house. The girls love playing there; they go into the basement and could just play for hours. They also love to run around their backyard. Going to Mimi and Papa’s is so much fun. I must say doing things with only two kids is easy peasy.
my little golfer
That evening we had my final birthday party. So, I guess that means it is time to concentrate on the girls’ birthdays. Especially since Isabella’s birthday is this Saturday.
We love spending time at Gram and Grandpa’s house. It is so much fun running around their backyard; we played for hours.
McKenzie does not like that her foot is touching the grass.
I can’t believe my little girl is growing up. Today was her last day at preschool and I am one sad Mommy. But I am also so very proud of my girl. She is growing into such a good girl. Her teachers had nothing but kind things to say about her. She is compassionate, kind, caring, sensitive, a good friend. The list could go on and on. Here are some pictures from today.
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