Happy Monday everyone. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready to have an equally wonderful week. I try to go into each day with a positive outlook; you would be surprised at how much better your day will be. Think positively and everything will be okay.
Since, it’s Monday you know what that means, it’s time for Marvelous in My Monday and we truly had a marvelous weekend. Thank you Katie for hosting.
Marvelous is…
our wonderful night away. Steve and I truly loved every minute of our time together. I know we are missing each other right now, but I also know it will get better. We are just in a tough parent stage at the moment.
Marvelous is…
our hotel and flights are booked for Vegas!! I can’t wait. I will of course miss my girls like crazy, but after having a night away I realize Steve and I really need this long weekend in Vegas. I also know my girls will be in amazing hands. My parents are the best!!
Marvelous is…
giving McKenzie and McKayla more freedom. Up until this past weekend I was always making sure they were gated into either the playroom or family room, but I decided they wanted to roam and boy did the have fun. I did go around the entire first floor and pick up all little pieces and did a good vacuum. My biggest worry is one of the big girls tiny toys will be on the floor and the babies will put it in their mouth. But they are definitely loving their new found freedom.
Marvelous is…
Well, I don’t know if it is marvelous or not. McKenzie and McKayla are 10 months!! I know I say this every month, but it is so bittersweet. My little babies are quickly becoming toddlers. I will write a post later this week and fill you in on all the new things they are up to.
Marvelous is…
watching Sophia and Isabella play so nicely together and for some reason the wrong two girls are in the cage.
Marvelous is…
my new workout schedule for the month of May. I meant to tell you all about it on Friday, but with going away for the night it simply didn’t happen. I am sorry. I will tell you a little about it now and give you more details later this week. I am actually following two different plans and I am loving the combo. I am doing the BodyRock 21 day Boot Camp Challenge along with the Blogilates May workout calendar (you must be signed up for her newsletter to receive the password). I forgot how much I love Pilates. I look forward to my workout every day.
In the Comments Below:
- What is marvelous in your life?
- What workout are you loving right now?