Happy Monday everyone. I hope your weekend was as wonderful as ours. We truly enjoyed the beautiful weather and we loved having nothing planned. It was nice a relaxing. The girls and I had a nice Sunday outside playing, however poor Daddy came down with the flu. It was so sad and then our poor Sophia got it last night. Luckily, it seems to pass rather quickly. Since, it is Monday I am joining the lovely Katie for Marvelous in My Monday.
Marvelous is…
my girls enjoying playing outside. I haven’t seen them have this much fun in awhile; we have been so cooped up for do long it was nice to run around in the beautiful sun. Sophia, Isabella and I had so much fun at playground and playing on our driveway. It was so nice to be outside. I seriously can’t say that enough; oh how I have missed the sunshine.
Marvelous is…
McKenzie and McKayla would much rather practice standing and playing together then take a nap these days. I am not so sure this is marvelous, but it is oh so adorable.
Marvelous is…
seeing this little face watch me rub her sisters back to sleep. It was so sweet, until she wanted her back rubbed. Ha!!
In the Comments Below:
- What is marvelous in your life?
- How is the weather were you live?
So cute! I love the matching velour jumpsuits! Glad you got to enjoy some gorgeous weather and outdoor play!
Awe… thank you!! It was glorious.