MIMM # 36

MIMM # 36

Seriously, is Christmas really over? I feel like so much planning and worry went into that one day; especially now that the girls are getting older. I am going through some mixed emotions about the whole thing. But, now that Christmas is over we get to concentrate on our trip to Disney World. These next two months are going to fly by and there is so much to do.


Even though it may not feel like Monday, it is. Which means it is time for another Marvelous in My Monday. Thank you Katie for hosting.


Is watching McKenzie and McKayla attempt to eat their first solid food. It was quite messy and I am not so sure either one liked it. I must say McKenzie seemed to like it better then McKayla, but neither one really took to it very well.

McKayla looked so tiny in the highchair. It was quite sweet.

food - first mckayla 2 food - first Mckayla

food - first mckenzie 2 food - first mckenzie

Marvelous is…

Already taking down all our Christmas decorations. I know it is early, but our house was starting to feel so cluttered, especially after getting so many new toys. As much as I love Christmas and our tree it felt good to take it down and move on.

Marvelous is…

Going to the gym, by myself, today. Yes, it was a glorious moment. Thank you mom for always knowing what I need and helping me through everything.

It has been quite tough around here these days. McKenzie and McKayla have not been happy and it has been taking a toll on me. I have really had to fake my happiness lately. I know it will get easier, but right now it is not. I am sorry I am not trying to be a downer, but I try to be honest and open and that is where we are at right now in our lives. So, if you are a new mom (twins or singleton) I am right there with you. But believe me it does get better. 🙂

In the Comments Below:

  1. Tell me what is marvelous in your life.
  2. How do you feel when a big holiday/event is over?

4 comments on “MIMM # 36

  1. My twins are 9 months now but my daughter was a fan of solid food and my son was not at all! It took him a good month to catch on! I feel ya about being overwhelmed with 2 babies. I really feel like month 7 was a big turning point for us! It gets so much easier when they can sit up by themselves and can actually occupy themselves for a little while with toys. It made such a huge difference for me! They really interact now and “talk” to each other and it melts my heart 🙂 The next few months will keep getting easier for you!

    • Your twins sound adorable. Thank you so much for giving me hope. 🙂 It is wonderful to know it is going to get a little easier!!

  2. Thank you for being honest about how hard it is. I am right there with you and try to be honest with my friends without sounding like I’m complaining, which is hard. But two babies, at one time, is just not easy. And that doesn’t mean we aren’t crazy happy, or want to give one back!

    • You are so right. I don’t want to sound like I am sad about having twins, it is just hard. That is all!! I couldn’t picture our life without them, but boy oh boy I wish they would give me a break every once in awhile. 🙂


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