MIMM # 33 – Date Night + A Reindeer Craft

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MIMM # 33 – Date Night + A Reindeer Craft


Since, it is Monday I am linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday and boy do I have so much to tell you.

Marvelous is…

Our adorable little reindeer feet, even McKenzie and McKayla joined in on the fun. I am not so sure they would say it was fun.

reindeer foot - mckenzie painting 2

reindeer foot - mckenzie 4

reindeer foot - mckenzie painting 3

reindeer foot - mckenziereindeer foot - mckayla painting foot

reindeer foot - mckaya on paper

reindeer foot - mckaya and mckenzie

reindeer foot - bella

reindeer foot - bella 3 reindeer foot - bella - looking at camera

reindeer foot sophia painting

reindeer foot - sophia

reindeer foot - sophia 2

I haven’t taken a picture of the completed reindeer, but I will tomorrow and post the finished product. They turned out adorable. I can’t wait to do more of these types of crafts with the girls. I am already thinking about the next holiday. 🙂

Marvelous is…

A night away with my hubby. About a month ago, Steve was starting to realize I needed a little time away so he decided to plan a night out. But he knew we couldn’t go far and it couldn’t be for more then one night, so we simply went and stayed at the Hampton Inn (about 10 minutes from our house).

It all started Sunday evening. We left our house at 4pm and went to check in at the hotel then went to dinner and a movie (The Hunger Games, which was amazing, but still not as good as the book). It was a much needed date night, but I have to tell you the second we drove away I was already missing my girls. We planned the night so we could get back to the hotel by 10pm and get a much needed good nights sleep. I seriously slept solid from 11pm-7:30am. I never woke up once. I don’t remember the last time I slept like that. While I was pregnant I would wake up a million times to go to the bathroom and I was rather uncomfortable. Last night was a much needed recharge. I feel as though I can be a better mom, at least for a little while. 🙂

Once, we woke up on Monday morning we spent the day getting all our Christmas shopping done and believe it or not, we just about completed our list. Wow, the things you can get done when you don’t have four kids with you. It is crazy!! But definitely not as exciting.

Marvelous is…

Getting to feel like a couple again, not just parents. It was so much fun to spend 24 hours with Steve as husband and wife. I miss having our time together, but I know before we know it our girls will be all grown up and we will have all the time in the world.

Marvelous is…

My parents for taking on our house of girls. I can’t even begin the thank them enough for taking care of our girls for the night. A night with twins is not easy. Right now they are waking up about 2 times each and that is exhausting. They are also not the best at taking bottles so it can take up to a half hour to finish their feeding. So, my poor mom was up a lot last night. We a truly blessed to have them in our lives. They would do anything for us. As difficult as it was last night I know they would do it again in a heartbeat.

Mom and Dad we appreciate you so much. Steve and I don’t know what we would do without you two, you are always there when we need you no matter what. We thank God every day for giving us to you. You are the best and we love you!!!

In the Comments Below:

  1. Tell all about what is marvelous in your life.
  2. Do you like to get all your Christmas shopping done in one day or over the course of many?

2 comments on “MIMM # 33 – Date Night + A Reindeer Craft

  1. Good for you! I bet that sleep felt amazing. You deserve it, I do not know how you do it with 4 kids. My twins are now 10 weeks old and I’m beyond exhausted. And your parents are saints! We haven’t left them over night with anyone yet b/c I’m afraid no one could handle it – you are right that nights with twins are not easy. I hope you get to do this more often!!

    • Sleep has never felt so amazing. Most days I don’t know how I do it either. Twins seriously bring exhaustion to another level.

      They truly are saints, I don’t know what we would do without them. We would not have been able to survive these past 5 months.

      I can tell you it does get easier, everyday. 🙂


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