MIMM # 28 – Short and Sweet

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MIMM # 28 – Short and Sweet

Happy Monday everyone. McKenzie and McKayla are 4 months old. I seriously can’t believe it has been 4 months since they came into our lives.

These past 4 months have been quite the whirlwind. As difficult as it had been it really doesn’t feel like we have been doing this for 4 months. It has truly flown by.

I will talk more about where the girls are at later this week. I will also give an update on how I am doing postpartum wise.


Since, it is Monday I am going to link-up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday.

Marvelous is having a wonderfully clean house when you wake up on Monday morning. I love starting my week off on a great note. I can’t remember the last time my house was this clean. Steve and I worked hard this weekend and it feel so good. Now that McKenzie and McKayla are getting a little easier the house is coming together once again.

Marvelous is my Star of the Week:

MIMM 28 - star of the week sophia MIMM 28 - star of the week sophia 2

Marvelous is my parents always thinking of everyone else.

mimm 28 - crockpot

They know I have started to really get into cooking with my crockpot (my mom gave it to me to see if I liked it and it is old). So, while they were at Costco this weekend they bought me a new one just because they love me. Wow, to have parents like that; I am truly blessed.

In the Comments Below:

  1. Tell me what is marvelous in your life.
  2. What are some of your favorite crockpot recipes.

5 comments on “MIMM # 28 – Short and Sweet

  1. What an adorable little superstar! When I was teaching I used those exact same posters for Super Star of the Week! So cute!

    • Thank you. She loved being Star of the Week. After it was all over, she says, “I am sad I won’t be the star again”. I told her next year she can do it again. She loved the attention.

  2. I used the CrockPot for the first time last week! Insane right? I made a pumpkin quinoa pudding. I can’t wait to use it for chili or pulled pork!

    • Me too. I just started using it and I can’t get enough of it. I seriously want to use it every night. Ha!!

      Oh my that pudding sounds delicious. I am going to have to give it a try. Thanks. 🙂

  3. I remember doing those All About Me projects in school. Adorable!

    I love using the Crock Pot to make things. Usually I just cook up a whole chicken or beef roast, but I know that there are some really creative recipes out there. Skinny Taste has one with just chicken and salsa that sounds marvelous. Chocolate Covered Katie has instructions for cooking up a bunch of vegetables in the crock pot, as well as oatmeal I think! Also, awhile ago I pinned this crockpot round-up post with 100 days of recipes: http://www.stacymakescents.com/100-days-of-no-processed-meals-crock-pot-style


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