MIMM # 19

MIMM # 19

Good afternoon everyone (this started out as good morning, but didn’t happen). I have to say I love the weekends, but sometimes it is so nice to get back to out “normal” routine. Right now there is not much of a routine with the babies, but at least we can relax. Our weekends have been so busy lately and let me tell you it is not easy getting four girls in and out of the car. It is actually quite comical. Even though our weekends have been busy we have had a lot of fun family time.


Marvelous is watching my girls’ faces light up when they are having fun.

On Saturday we had a party that has animals at it, so Sophia got dressed up.

She thought she was going to the Kentucky Derby.

Pony Party - Sophia Hat

I love this picture of McKayla and McKenzie. You can really see how identical they are despite their size difference.

Pony Party - Twins in Car Seats

Isabella loved holding a chicken. She was petting it so nicely.

Pony Party - Bella Holding Chicken

Sophia wanted to hold the turtle, but she didn’t want to touch it.

Pony Party - Sophia holding turtle

Both girls loved riding the pony and horse.

Pony Party - Sophia Riding Pont

Pony Party - Girls Riding Horse and Pony

Pony Party - Bella and Auntie Ade with Pony

Pony Party - Sophia horse

And then there was the cow.

Pony Party - girls with cow

On Sunday their faces lit up again.

Steve and I took Sophia and Isabella to see the Planes movie. It was so much fun. The entire drive there and before the movie began Isabella kept saying, “I so excited”. Sophia would say, “Me too. 🙂

McKenzie and McKayla played in the playroom for the first time.

playroom twins

playroom twins 2

Okay if you’ve been reading my blog for awhile you know I try to look at the positive always and try not to complain because I know I am very blessed to be living the life I live. However, I want my blog to be real, I want all of you to know what I am going through. So, here it goes.

Over the past week or so the babies have gotten a little more difficult during the days. They are awake much more; which is a wonderful thing. But, about half the time they are awake one or both of them are crying. Emotionally, I am having a difficult time trying to do everything for everyone. Since, the babies are still waking up a lot at night and are in our bedroom I feel as though I never have a minute. Which is okay I know that is life with a newborn or two, but it is still difficult. I am getting worn out. My older girls need me too, so I just don’t know what to do. I know this is only for a short time, but man does it feel like forever right now. As a mom I am questioning my ability to be there for everyone. I know I am doing too much all by myself, but I don’t even know where to begin to cut things out I feel as though everything I am doing is important. Playing with Sophia and Isabella, holding the babies when they are crying, and trying to do at least the minimum housework (at least enough so we have a semi-functioning house). The condition of my house is a whole different issue. I seriously cry thinking about what my house looks like at times, but I physically can’t do any more. Sunday morning I had a breakdown over the toys; they were everywhere and of course I started to get angry with Sophia (which is awful). But my moment wasn’t just about the toys it was much deeper then that; I am so completely overwhelmed with everything thing. Sophia seems sad lately. She has told me I am too busy for her and that breaks my heart. The sad thing is I have idea how to make more time to do things with her. I give her and Isabella as much time as possible. It is so depressing. I am seriously crying as I am writing this. It’s one thing for me to be sad, it’s another for my girls. I try to seem like I have it all together, but I don’t. Honestly, I don’t know when I will. Actually, I think everything will start to fall into place once the babies starting sleeping better. I simply need more time in my day.
The marvelous part of all of this is that I am going to figure out a plan. I am going to fix this. We are going to get a routine going. I know I can be a good mom to all my girls!! This is my turning point. I can make a change. I am going to choose to be happy and try not to get overwhelmed. What will be, will be. Us girls can do this together.

My plan this week is to try and get up before all the girls (it’s not easy to do when I am barely getting any sleep, but I need to add more hours to my day. I am also going to try to do something with just Sophia each day. There is no more napping for me; I need to spend all my time with my girls. We will see how this goes.

I have to say I already feel better. Thank you for letting my have a moment.

Don’t forget to head on over to Katie’s blog and see all the other bloggers marvelous happenings.

In the Comments Below:

  1. Please tell me about your marvelous weekend.
  2. Any suggestions or words of wisdom?

8 comments on “MIMM # 19

  1. Sherri on said:

    I honestly want to give you a big hug! I’m sorry you’re having a rough time and I truly hope you are able to cut yourself some slack. Having four young children (including twin newborns!) would be difficult for ANY mother, even the ones who seem to have everything perfectly “together”.

    You’re right, this is only a short time and this too shall pass. Be sure to take care of yourself too – you’re no good to your girls if you’re not feeling your best! I know you have family around you to help and I encourage you to take advantage of that. Trust me, your girls will not resent you for it.

    I’m cheering for you!

    • Thank you. A big hug is just what I needed. Your words really touched me. It truly is so difficult to ask for help and it is even more difficult not spending as much time with my girls. i know they will be okay, but it is so hard. Thank you for making me feel better.

  2. I honestly don’t know how you do it. I am 30w pregnant with twin girls and they are my first; I am overwhelmed all the time, then I think about you and I can’t imagine. Just do the best you can and don’t beat yourself up. Not napping might not always the best idea – sometimes mom has to be rested and happy in order to be there for her girls!

    It WILL get better – just know you’re doing an amazing job. You’ll look back on this time in your life and realize you were giving 200% and have no regrets.

    • I am do excited for you to have your girls. They really are a blessing. You will be wonderful. It is hard at times, but so rewarding.

      Thank you for your support. It is nice to feel so loved.

  3. Enlist help and relax mama!! You certainly cannot do it all. Do you have family/friends regularly asking you if there’s anything they can do for you? Take them up on it! Ask them to come over and do the dishes/vacuum so you can relax. With four girls under four, I can’t even imagine. yOu’re doing awesome!!!

  4. I’m sorry you’re having a rough time. Will your twins take a bottle? You could always pump and leave them for the day with your parents, that way you could spend a few hours with your older girls.
    My twins are 4.5 months now and I can tell you it does get better! They definitely don’t sleep as much and I can’t remember the last time I took a nap. You should cut yourself some slack! You can’t do everything yourself and you are allowed to ask for help 🙂
    Once every few weeks I get my MIL to come over and watch the twins which allows me to run my errands and have some alone time and just an hour or two makes all the difference when you’re with the kids all day!
    Good luck!

  5. Laura @ Special Treats on said:

    Thank you for keeping it real! Twins are SO HARD. And yes, once they become more awake it is even harder. You are doing a great job though and just trying to do the best you can. Even though you want to spend ample time with ALL your girls, remember that your sleep is VERY important too. Sleep will make you a better mother…not to mention help your milk production. Your body needs the naps so don’t be afraid to take them. Maybe one of your older girls can snuggle up with you and take a nap with you. The first few weeks are rough but oh so precious. Hang in there Momma. Our babies are 11 weeks and I’m finally starting to see that yes, it does get a bit easier…not a lot easier, but a bit. Still the best thing that has ever happened to us and so much fun!

  6. Momma! You are doing an amazing job. I don’t think any new momma has it all together. Your girls are so lucky to have you! I can’t imagine the adjustment period you are all experiencing but it will get better – it has too, right?! Try and stay positive. Your twins are home and healthy, and the older girls will adjust to their new lives. I’ll be praying for you and your beautiful girls.


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