Wow, it’s been such a long time since I have done a Marvelous in My Monday post, but hopefully this is the first of many. I can’t believe we are already at the end of January. Where has this month gone?! I can’t say I’m upset, I am already ready for summer. I just don’t like being cold and these days I can’t seem to get warm.

- Those of you that know me, know I LOVE chocolate chip cookies. Ok and brownies, really anything chocolate. I love trying out new cookie recipes and this past week we did just that. These cookies are AMAZING. I have two delicious recipes and I think I might just have to try them side by side. We will see if that happens. I will share the recipe ASAP!!
- I’ve been getting so many questions on what I have been eating since I started counting macros. Really, my meals haven’t changed much I have just adjusted them to fit my macros. I promise I will share a day in food on Wednesday. I know counting macros can seem overwhelming, but It’s really much easier than you think, especially once you get the hang of it.
- Math help with Papa. I remember those days and I didn’t like math help from my dad. But, his granddaughters were loving it. McKayla and McKenzie are ALWAYS ready to learn.
- Mimi has been in Denver for 10 days and we are missing her like crazy. Isabella is counting down the days, minutes, seconds until she gets to see her again. McKayla and McKenzie have their bags packed (apparently they have planned a sleepover that we don’t know about) and Sophia is making Mimi a welcome home sign. I love how much my girls love their Mimi. Their connection with her is everything.
- McKayla and McKenzie’s favorite thing to do these days is play with their babies and it’s the sweetest thing. They make the best little mamas. McKenzie: Sissy I hold you baby for you. McKayla: Oh, thank you.
- I’m sorry I have been so distant this past month, life has really gotten in the way and I needed the break. I am ready to get back it blogging. I miss all of you.