{Katie – Marvelous in My Monday}
We had a wonderful weekend with our girls.
Sophia and Isabella spent the night at Gram and Grandpa’s house and had the most wonderful time. They went to painted pot and painted for hours on end, they went shopping and out to dinner all in one day. The next day they went to family day at church and loved the petting zoo, they could have spent all day there. Oh they sure had a wonderful weekend. Spending time with their grandparents is something they will remember forever. We are so blessed to live so close to our parents and that they can have such a major part in our girls’ lives.
While our big girls were having fun with Gram and Grandpa we had a blast with McKayla and McKenzie. We loved spending time with just our littles.
It all began at Build a Bear after naps. This was McKayla and McKenzie’s first time building a bear and they loved every minute of it. I loved watching their little faces light up. So sweet.
They loved the entire process from filling their animals with fluff to brushing them and naming them. Beside the fact that we DO NOT need any more stuffed animals in our house, I can’t wait to take them back.
They had to carry their boxes through the mall, at least for a little bit, then Daddy took over.
We ended our evening with dinner at PF Changs. Going out to eat with just two kids is so easy, anything with two is pretty simple.
These two just HAD to use chopsticks, so they figured out a way their own way.
Sunday morning we had one more surprise for the girls. We took them to an indoor play place right by our house and they had so much fun. We arrived right when it opened so it was rather empty and that was just perfect for us!! Watching these two play together is truly priceless. I can’t imagine life without them. Sister’s are forever.
As we were leaving McKenzie said I can’t wait to bring Sophia and Isabella back here. Sisters are everything. I love how much all four of our girls love each other.