Before I tell you all about our Christmas Eve I just have to ask, can you believe it’s 2016? Seriously?! Did I miss 2015? I have so many goals for this year and I can’t wait to share them with you. I love setting goals for myself and my life. My goals for 2015 and 2014 were simply to survive. After having the twins there were some rough moments, but now I feel as though I can start to think about our future together as a family of six and it’s a beautiful thing.
Christmas Eve morning we always wake up, get in the car and go have breakfast with Steve’s dad and stepmom. This is the beginning of our wonderful two day celebration and it couldn’t have been more perfect.
The many faces of McKayla.
After eating and exchanging gifts we headed home for naps and rest time before heading to mass. Sophia, Isabella, and myself always go to church early so we can save seats. Steve and the babies always meet us there. They wait until closer to the start of mass and that’s a good thing because they would never have been able to sit nicely for that long.
After getting home from church we always have a nice quiet, calm, family dinner just the six of us, sprinkle reindeer food on the lawn and get to bed early so Santa can come to our house before stopping anywhere else; at least that’s what we tell the girls.
As, I sit back and look at my beautiful girls I can’t believe how big they are all getting. I can’t believe we aren’t having any more babies. I can’t believe this is our forever family, but it is also a wonderful feeling. I am totally and completely head of heals in love with our family of six!!
{Linking up with Katie for Marvelous in My Monday}
In the Comments Below:
- Tell me all about your Christmas Eve traditions.
Thanks for posting, Renee. Always enjoy the updates. Does Julie’s family join you for the breakfast tradition, too? Both of y’all have such beautiful babies.
Thank you. Unfortunately, not usually. Some years they go to New York to visits Mike’s family and some years they are working. It’s not easy getting everyone together. But we were able to have a wonderful celebration before they left.